Erdogan announces the complete lifting of the curfew in Turkey

Photo: Natalia Gubernatorova

Turkish President Recep Erdogan said the commander the hour introduced in Turkey due to the coronavirus pandemic is completely canceled. It will happen on July 1.

According to him, it was decided at a meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers. Government agencies are also returning to normal opening hours and the age restrictions on the use of public transport are being lifted.

From 1 June, Turkey changed its measures against coronaviruses. In particular, the curfew has been reduced.

Turkish authorities in Antalya previously announced that they are ready to accept 33 flights from Russia on Tuesday. According to city officials, at least 10,000 tourists from Russia may arrive in the city immediately after the resumption of air traffic.

According to the forecasts of Turkish officials, the number of Russian tourists will grow steadily from Tuesday and 20-25 thousand tourists from the Russian Federation will come to Turkey every day.


The Ukrainian general regretted giving up the Soviet oath

Photo: Still from video

Former Deputy Supreme The Council of Ukraine and the retired Lieutenant General of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Vilen Martirosyan has publicly admitted that he regrets that in 1991 he joined the Soviet Army on the side of Ukraine. He told Nash TV about it.

In 1991, 80-year-old Vilen Martirosyan commanded a regiment based in Ukraine. The regiment under his command was the first to side with Ukraine. After that, Martirosyan actively participated in the creation of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

In the years 1991-1992. through the structures of the Union of Officers of Ukraine, he organized the taking of an oath of allegiance to Ukraine by all persons responsible for military service. But now his view of the events of those years has changed.

“Sometimes I regret having to be the first to raise the flag to be the first to withdraw my regiment from the Ministry of Defense, to go to Ukraine,” Martirosyan told a television channel.

Also read the material: Ukrainian general said Zelensky “outwitted” Putin


Canada has imposed sanctions on 17 Belarusians

photo: Wikipedia

Canada has imposed additional sanctions on 17 people and 5 legal entities in Belarus, said Canadian Foreign Minister Mark Garneau.

As stated, this step is taken in accordance with the Act on Special Economic Measures. Sanctions are imposed in coordination with the United States, the United Kingdom and the European Union. “Under the pretext of a dubious and still unproven threat of an explosion, the Belarusian regime refused a 4978 Ryanair plan and landed in Minsk,” the Canadian Foreign Ministry recalled, adding that the founder of the NEXTA telegram channel, Roman Protasevich, had been detained. Russia's Sofia Sapega, who were on board.


Former CIA agent: Russia surpasses the United States in the Ukrainian direction


Former CIA Agent Dan Hoffman assessed the Kremlin's policy towards Ukraine. In his view, the strategy of the Russian authorities is effective. He expressed his opinion on the Fox News channel.

Hoffman said that Moscow outperforms Washington in this respect. According to him, the actions of Russia cause the reaction of the West that it needs. He cited the recent refusal of the United States to send its ships to the Black Sea as an example.

“Russia clearly shows that Ukraine is in its sphere of interests, but does not consider itself to be a party to the conflict in Donbass. It is clear that Russia did not intend to attack the neighboring country, if it concentrated its troops on the border, it would lead to massive bloodshed on both sides, “the former intelligence officer quoted the publication as saying.

According to Hoffman, in Russia, thanks to that, she got what she wanted – the US was forced to retreat.

The former agent also noted that Western countries should increase military aid to Ukraine. In addition, he believes that it should be possible to develop relations with the EU and NATO.


Putin praised the work of the State Duma during the pandemic

Photo: Natalia Gubernatorova

Russian President Vladimir Putin at a meeting with deputies The State Duma of Convocation VII evaluated their work during the coronavirus pandemic. According to him, the parliament had to work “on the edge”.

The head of state noted that sometimes it is necessary to make urgent decisions. At the same time, it was important not to violate regulations and applicable legislation.

“ Decisions were needed immediately. It was very difficult to accept them without violating any regulations and existing standards of law. Or it was on the verge of passing & raquo ;, & mdash; Putin said.

According to him, at this difficult time, he agreed with the chairman of the State Duma, Vyacheslav Volodin, that he would in fact act as an executive body.

; You were able to get together, even in emergency mode, to prepare, to make a decision, to formalize it in the right way. These are all extremely important things for people & # 39; & # 39 ;, & mdash; noted the president.


The Kremlin considers coronavirus revaccination to be inevitable


Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that coronavirus vaccination as well as booster vaccinations & nbsp; revaccination & ndsp; & nbsp; That's what RBC says.

Peskov was also asked if President Vladimir Putin knew that many Russians did not understand the mechanism of revaccination, vaccinations were paid.

“Vaccination numbers and, of course, nuances are also reported,” & mdash; Peskov replied. He stressed that the position of the head of state itself for revaccination is not “ important“, because the opinion of doctors and drug manufacturers is important.

As for the analysis, “ it is said that this pleasure is free, it is not done. & # 39; & # 39; citizens. According to him, this is due to the emergence of new strains.


For the first time, the Swedish parliament has expressed no confidence in the Prime Minister


vote of confidence in the President-in-Office Stefan Loewen in the Swedish Parliament. As a result, most deputies did not trust the Prime Minister (181 out of 349 people).

Now Leuven is obliged to resign. He also has the right to call early elections.

Interestingly, since 1974, when the Constitution prescribed the possibility of a vote of no confidence, the Riksdag has voted on the issue 11 times. But the decision was always negative. Leuven was thus the first distrustful prime minister in history.

The populist Swedish Democrats called for a vote in parliament on the issue of confidence in the prime minister on 17 June. Left-wing Nushi Dadgostar said she did not trust Lovani over the government's proposal to introduce market prices for rental housing in new homes.


The EU will approve new sanctions against Belarusian companies


Council European Union at the level of foreign ministers will approve the fourth package of sanctions against Belarus on Monday. They will affect 86 people and companies, the press service of the Council of the EU reports with reference to the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell.

“ We will agree on a fourth package of sanctions against Belarus today. The new sanctions will affect 86 individuals and companies, he said.

According to Borrell, economic sanctions will be considered at the EU summit on June 24-25 and approved after the meeting of the head of state. The sanctions will focus on Belarusian exports to the European Union.

Borrell said the EU was trying to avoid sanctions that would “ affect the whole economy and the well-being of the people“, but at the same time increased the pressure because the Belarussian government was not changing its action scheme.

Finnish Foreign Minister Pekka Haavisto said the EU would adopt sanctions for human rights violations and pressure on the opposition in Belarus, as well as other sanctions for forcing Ryanair to board. He also said that the EU would maintain contacts with the Belarusian opposition abroad. The meeting of EU foreign ministers will begin with a working breakfast with former presidential candidate Svetlana Tikhanovska.


Former Japanese Economy Minister sentenced to fines for bribing voters


Former Minister of Economy , trade and industry of Japan Isshu Sugawara was sentenced for bribery of voters to a fine (400 thousand yen) and deprivation of the right to stand for election in any election for three years. The former official was convicted on Monday by a Tokyo court of general jurisdiction, according to NHK.

It is clear that the investigation accused Isshu Sugawara of paying organizations in his constituency in Tokyo in 2018 and 2019, as part of masking the payment for funeral services of 800,000 yen.

The exminister resigned from the mandate in March this year. He held his position in the government of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who resigned after being revealed in the press.


The ships of the Pacific Fleet worked out the destruction of a simulated group of enemy aircraft carriers


Warship exercises in the Pacific Pacific Fleet (Pacific Fleet) completed the task of destroying a group of aircraft carriers of a false enemy. This was announced in the press service of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

It is specified that one of the episodes of the exercise took place at a distance of 2.5 thousand miles from the Kurils towards the Hawaiian Islands, which are more than 5 thousand kilometers from Russia.

“The ships, which operated as part of two divisions at a distance of about 300 miles from each other, completed the tasks of destroying the strike group of an aircraft carrier simulated by the enemy,” the ministry added.

According to the Department of Defense, during one of the stages, in order to create an environment as close as possible to the fulfillment of combat missions, the Pacific Fleet Force Groups of the Far Sea were divided into two tactical groups. One of the groups of ships played the role of a conditioned enemy and opposed the main forces of the fleet group.
