Photographs of Protasevich and Sapieha on a walk appeared on the web

Photos: Still from video

Posted on the Web The photographs, which allegedly captured the founder of Nexta, Roman Protasevič, and his girlfriend, Sophia Sapegová, show the RT Telegram channel in Russian.

The photos were allegedly taken in Minsk. Sophie's father, Andrei Sapega, said the pictures appeared on the Telegram channels two days ago.

“I don't know if it was a random shoot, how they walk in the park, or information materials. I'm not commenting on anything yet. I called Sony's mother, saw the news, but unfortunately I can't explain anything about the conditions of detention and when she was transferred to house arrest, “he said.

It was previously reported that Sapega and Protasevich had been imprisoned. Roman's father Dmitry noted that it was difficult for him to comment on the actions of the authorities. He suggested that the young people be “involved in a political game.”

Protasevich and Sapieha were detained after Ryanair's forced landing in Minsk.


The Russian Navy responded to the British destroyers incident by exercising in the Mediterranean

Kinzhalov carriers and strategic aviation take part in maneuvers

On June 25, the Russian Navy and Air Force launched a joint exercise in the Eastern Mediterranean. The maneuvers coincided with an incident off the coast of Crimea, where a British destroyer provoked and violated the Russian naval border. According to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the battleships of the permanent operational formation of the Russian Navy as well as naval and long-range aviation aircraft participate in the exercises in the Mediterranean.

Photo: Ministry of Defense Press Service < A pair of MiG-31K aircraft flew to the Russian base Khmeimim in Syria. They are carriers of Dagger hypersonic missiles. In addition, there was relocated anti-submarine aircraft Il-38 from the Navy.

Five Russian Navy ships are involved in the behavior, including the flagship of the Black Sea Fleet's missile cruiser. Moscow, the newest frigates Admiral Essen and “Admiral Makarov”, as well as two submarines “Old Oskol” and “Rostov on Don”. Aviation is represented by the Tu-142MK, anti-submarine aircraft Il-38, long-range bombers Tu-22M3 and MiG-31K aircraft. Tartus “in Syria.

According to the Ministry of Defense, the latest military equipment is being tested in difficult climatic conditions caused by high temperatures. Flight crews will practice pilot skills in new geographical areas.

It was previously announced that a second runway has been reconstructed at Khmeimim Air Force Base to accommodate both strategic aircraft and aircraft carriers with the latest missile weapons, and that crews will be able to train missions in the airspace over the Mediterranean Sea.


The withdrawal of most US troops will be completed within a crescent

Photo: flickr/Defense Images

Next section US troops will be completed within two weeks.

650 troops will remain in the country to secure the embassy in Kabul and several hundred troops to help Turkish forces protect the airport's capital.

They all left Afghanistan completely by September 11, writes The Associated Press.

It was previously known that in connection with the departure of American troops, 13 districts in eight provinces in the south, north and central part of Afghanistan came under the control of the “Taliban” in 24 hours.

Not only soldiers, but also special units along with weapons and armored vehicles take the side of the militants. Special forces equipped and trained by the Americans can no longer cope with the progress of the Taliban, despite the air support of their air forces, whose resources are already running out, and there will be no support from the Americans.

The Pentagon does not have a specific logistical support plan for the Afghan Air Force and Army, as well as the country's security forces. Washington plans to provide only financial assistance to Kabul, the Pentagon said. The U.S. military department also said that the main task at present is to withdraw troops on schedule.


Russian general praises rocket ship flights to Hawaii: “This is our area”

“We have always shown the Americans there that we can get them”

In the central Pacific, there was an extensive exercise of the Russian Naval Group. The Navy and Naval Aviation took place. Such naval maneuvers in this area take place for the first time since the collapse of the USSR. The Ministry of Culture asked the former commander of long-range aircraft (1997-2003), a member of the public council of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Lieutenant General Mikhail Oparin, to comment on the flights of our long-range aircraft over the Pacific Ocean.

Photo: Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

According to the Ministry of Defense, in one phase of the exercise, two long-range Tu-142M3 anti-submarine aircraft flew from Kamchatka Jelizovo Airport to the maneuver area in the central Pacific Ocean. The flight lasted more than 14 hours, the planes covered 10,000 kilometers.

How important are such flights and what tasks are solved during them? The former commander of long-distance aviation, Lieutenant General Mikhail Oparin, answered these questions “MK”. According to him, full-scale flights are very important, among other things, to prove the capabilities of our aviation. After 1991, during the Yeltsin era, Russia unilaterally abandoned strategic patrol flights. At the same time, the Americans never stopped such flights.

“When I took command in 1997, the first thing we did after a six-year hiatus was to resume flights of strategic aircraft to remote geographical areas,” said Mikhail Oparin. – We started flights first towards the North Pole, to Canada, then “around the corner”, that is, bypassing Scandinavia to the North Atlantic. In the east – flights over the Pacific Ocean. We have restored all the skills of the crews to fly over neutral waters and their development is not so easy. For many years, the crews that flew were preparing for long-haul flights. And the very organization of these refueling flights is a very difficult task.

According to the general, the long-distance aviation command began patrolling flights before President Yeltsin's decree.

– When our “strategists” crossed the Arctic, along Canada, the Americans shouted: you're stuck again! What are they doing there? Most notably, the Russian press then supported the Americans. It was time. On command, we went a little crazy. Then we remembered, in the tail and mane. But we have restored the skills of the crews. And since 1998, they have been operating these long-haul flights regularly. That was task number one.

Later, when I left work, they also did it. My son served in long-distance aviation. With his comrades-in-arms, he managed these flights across the Pacific Ocean towards San Francisco. Duration 20 hours.

So this area of ​​the Pacific Ocean, where fleet maneuvers are now taking place, is our home area. We've kept it at the barrel since the Cold War.

I don't know if our planes flew to Guam, the main US naval force, during these exercises. But we always showed them a fig there so they knew we would get them here too.

In general, long flights are a common job for long-distance passengers.


Klimkin called the possibility of Putin's participation in the EU summit bad for Ukraine


Former Minister Ukraine's Foreign Affairs Pavel Klimkin negatively assessed reports that Vladimir Putin could become a participant in a meeting of the leaders of the European Union member states – according to media reports, he was invited by German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

“There is a risk that we will now be in the Norman format against Russia, Germany and France, and not together against Moscow. It would be completely wrong,” he wrote on Facebook.

At the same time, the former head of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry called on Volodymyr Zelenský not to “be afraid and make concessions on certain issues” during talks with Merkel, which was scheduled for July 12.

June 23 The Financial Times, referring to a diplomatic source, said that German Chancellor Angela Merkel had proposed to hold a meeting with the leaders of the European Union and Russian President Vladimir Putin.


The Foreign Affairs Committee took note of several organizations

And promised to help the Prosecutor General's Office

Work on identifying foreign agent organizations in Russia should continue and the Public Committee on the Identification of Foreign Influences will contribute to this. This was stated by the chairman of the committee “MK” Alexander Ionov. He commented that the Attorney General of the Russian Federation recognizes the activities of the American educational foreign non-governmental organization “Bard College” (Bard College), which are undesirable in the territory of the Russian Federation.

Alexander Ionov. Photo:

Ionov noted that this was due to an appeal by a public committee. “We continue to work to identify foreign agent organizations in Russia.” And as everyone has seen, we do it consistently and efficiently. Yesterday Medusa, today Bard College and tomorrow we have several other organizations on the list, “said Ionov.

According to him, “some of these structures are now completely stopping their activities in Russia, we are also quite satisfied with this possibility.” From a number of structures with foreign funding. Ionov recalled that the NGO Bard College “is part of a global network of controlled educational institutions designed to educate Russian youth pro-Western, shape protest voters and instill a hostile ideology in relation to their country.” The director of Bard College is a close associate and protégé of George Soros, Leon Botstein, noted Ionov.

According to him, Soros's structures in Russia were also preparing a springboard for their manipulations. “The goals and objectives of all these pro-Western structures in our country are clear.” We hope that the Attorney General will continue to work to protect constitutional order and civil peace in Russia. We will help it in all possible ways, “said Ionov.


The Pentagon called the statement on the warning of the shooting in the incident with the destroyer as misinformation


Pentagon spokesman John Kirby “Russian misinformation” states that a warning fire was fired towards the destroyer of the British Navy Defender. Despite the fact that the Russian side published a video of the shooting and deportation of a British ship outside the territorial waters of Russia.

“It just didn't happen,” he said.

According to him, in the UK they “openly declared that there were no shots.” “= = article- incut__label”> Watch the related video


The Foreign Ministry warned the Russians of the risk of detention abroad

Photo: Natalia Gubernatorova

Citizens of the Russian Federation may be detained in the USA and third countries. The Russians warned the Russians about this in a statement on its official website.

According to the State Department, Russian citizens may be arbitrarily detained while traveling to the United States and to third countries that they extradite. agreement with the American side. The United States has claims against some Russian citizens, and according to the State Department, Russians are being arrested more and more often and may be linked to deteriorating relations between Moscow and Washington.

The State Department also explained that US law enforcement agencies were not complying with the points of the 1999 Russian-US Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty in criminal matters.

Recall that there have been several recent cases of Russian arrests abroad with their subsequent extradition to the United States. For example, Vladislav Klyushin was detained in Switzerland.


Zakharova responded to Japanese statements about exercises in the Kuril Islands

Photo: Natalia Muschinkina

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said Moscow deplores the attempt of the Japanese authorities to combine their territorial claims against Russia with the actions of the Russian side on its own territory. She therefore commented on the statement by Katsunobu Kato, Secretary General of the Cabinet of Ministers of Japan, who expressed her dissatisfaction with the military exercises in the southern Kuril Islands.

The diplomat noted that Tokyo is continuing to try to implement just such a policy of “ perseverance worthy of better implementation.“ p>

Japanese diplomats have previously stated that they protested through diplomatic channels in connection with the exercise on Kuril Islands.


Vologda's representative fined for photographing a traumatic pistol

Photo: Social Networks

Penalty for posting a photo traumatizing a gun on social network without a case received the deputy of the Duma of the city of Vologda Alexei Konovalov. He himself announced this on his website on the social network VKontakte.

The background of the event is as follows: Konovalov posted on his Instagram account a photo of a traumatic pistol lying in the front seat of a car. The photo was signed: “Always with me.” Users of social networks and local media drew attention to the deputy's post, which forced Konovalov to delete this post.

In a video posted on the social network, the representative stressed that he had just left the Russian guard, where he was fined 1,000 rubles and issued a warning.

As Konovalov noted, the commission took into account its positive features and the fact that it had not used or even removed the pistol from its holster for 15 years.
