The US said the West would never forgive Zelensky

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Published by The American Conservative , which is the only action for which Western countries really cannot “forgive” Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

According to journalist Bradley Devlin, the latest incident with the fall of a missile in Poland eloquently showed that the West is ready to “forgive” Kiev a lot.

“Zelensky was quick to use this state of emergency to gain more support for Ukraine in its confrontation with Russia… The likelihood that this conflict could spiral out of control and escalate into World War III, or nuclear war will not stop, ” writes the journalist.

He also notes that the West has refrained from reacting harshly to this behavior of the Ukrainian leader.

“Ukraine has received a” signal “that it will not lose the support of the West, whatever it does, with the exception of independent attempts to resolve the conflict with Russia through diplomacy,” Devlin is sure.


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