The media reported on the cancellation of the visit of the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic to Moscow


Complicated in Russia, including Moscow, epidemiological reason For the cancellation of the visit of the Capital of the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Tomáš Kryl, there is a network publication Deník N with a reference to the diplomatic service.

cancel the trip to Moscow, where he was to take part in negotiations on the situation with Czech real estate in Russia and Russian real estate in Prague, “the report said.

It should be noted that one of the topics of discussion was to be the Czech House in Moscow, where a restaurant and hotel were closed in May.


The former Afghan president calls the results of NATO's 20-year stay a failure


Former Afghan President Hamid Karzai , which led the country from 2004 to 2014, considered the results of NATO's 20-year mission in the republic a failure. He said this in an interview with the British newspaper The Times.

According to him, Afghanistan is “gripped by terror” and is in a “desperate situation”.

“Look around: we are in ruins, the country is in a state of conflict, the people of Afghanistan are being forced to suffer. Why did US and NATO actions in Afghanistan lead to such a result? Those who came to the country 20 years ago in the name of fighting extremism and terrorism have failed this task. in Afghanistan it just flourished. I call it failure, “Karzai said.

He noted that the presence of NATO troops in Afghanistan was supposed to become a “stabilizing factor”, but did not. He noted that NATO troops were attacking Afghan villages, shooting at civilians and killing them.

“It is time for the US and NATO to leave. Whether the withdrawal of troops would be appropriate or not is another matter. They should have to leave the world, but they have not done so, “said the former president of Afghanistan.


The majority of the German population has spoken out against compulsory vaccination


According to the survey, 77% of the German population believe that vaccination should remain voluntary. At the same time, 22% of respondents supported the introduction of compulsory vaccination.

Most people over the age of 60 who are afraid of infection due to their age are in favor of compulsory vaccination. vaccination. In addition, such an instrument is supported by voters of the conservative bloc of the Christian Democratic and Christian Social Union.

Supporters of the Free Democrats and the “Alternative for Germany” are strongly opposed to compulsory vaccination.


Italian pharmacists hope for timely registration of Sputnik V.

Photo: Natalia Gubernatorova

Italian-Swiss pharmaceutical company Adienne Pharma & Biotech calculates that in the near future, the Italian authorities will issue a permit for the production of the Russian Sputnik V vaccine in the country. This was stated by the president of the company Antonio Di Naro.

As Di Naro noted in an interview with RIA Novosti, he hopes to meet with the medical regulator's inspectors at the end of October 2021. At the same time, the company has already started production of experimental doses of the Russian vaccine.

According to the head of the company, his companies are already ready to produce this drug. The Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF) previously signed an agreement with Adienne Pharma & Biotech, which provides for the production of 10 million doses of the Russian drug Sputnik V in Italy.


Makarevich joked about Putin's “straight line”: “A common apartment was brought up in Miami”

Photo: Natalia Muschinkina

Russian musician, one from the founders of the Time Machine group, Andrei Makarevich, who often talks about political and social issues, commented on the current direct line of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

& quot; I'm trying to imagine a picture: Washington, White House, Oval Office. The phone breaks. “Mr. President? We're from Kentucky! There's a roof leaking here in the kindergarten and the local authorities don't want to fix it!” He wrote on his Facebook page and parodied the Russian president's appeal.

Makarevich He also remarked that he could not imagine the President of the United States being called with such questions: “Mr. President? They are afraid of Miami! Our common apartment has been promoted to impossibility!” and “Mr. President, I am from Alabama! At the same time, there were questions about international and domestic politics, the economy and the fight against coronaviruses.


Baijiahao: Russia has prepared several NATO “gifts” near Crimea

Photo: Still from the video

Russian exercises nearby Crimea is a direct response to the NATO Sea Breeze exercise in the Black Sea, say analysts at China's Baijiahao portal. In particular, the submarine Kolpino appeared in the Black Sea, which is to process elements of submarine war with a potential enemy. The readiness of the missile defense forces in the peninsula was also checked.

The Russian armed forces deployed about 20 aircraft in Crimea, including several Su-24 bombers. The S-400 and Pantsir air defense systems are also involved in the exercise. All this is an example of “gifts” to NATO forces in case they want to repeat the provocation. “Moscow has called on NATO to cancel the exercise and warned that such maneuvers increase the risk of emergencies,” the material said.

Recall that on June 23, the British destroyer Defender attacked the territorial waters of Russia near Crimea, as a result of which a patrol vessel of the Russian border guards opened warning fire and Su-24 carried out warning bombing and dropped four high-explosive grenades. Later, the BBC published materials showing a thorough planning of provocation by the British military.


Putin explained the heat and floods with harmful emissions

Photo: Still from the video

The Russian president was asked during the “Line” the question of the cause of climate shocks – these are severe floods in the south of the country and heat waves in central areas. Recall that several temperature records were previously broken in Moscow.

Putin believes that harmful emissions can have dangerous consequences. This concerns the risks of desertification in areas where agricultural work is carried out. In addition, a significant part of Russia is located in permafrost areas. If it melts, it is full of catastrophes.

The government has developed standards for a response system for critical sectors in the field of climate change, Putin added. “He will prepare for the inevitable,” he added.


Putin advised regional leaders to draw their own “straight lines”

Photo: Still from the video

President Vladimir Putin at the annual “Direct “recommended that the leaders of the constituent bodies of the Russian Federation hold similar events so that the inhabitants of the regions can ask questions directly to the first persons.

” Such direct communication is important not only because people have the opportunity to ask a first person a question, but more importantly, there is a selection of the most pressing issues, “said the head of state.

According to the president, such an opportunity “will not hurt anyone.” He called on the governors to listen to the views of citizens.

Read also: Putin's hotline 2021: online broadcasting


Putin opposed compulsory vaccination

Photo: Still from the video

Russian President Vladimir Putin during a live broadcast Line said he did not like the idea of ​​compulsory vaccination. “I do not support compulsory vaccination,” the president said.

Putin spoke of a law under which regional leaders may, under certain conditions, if the incidence increases, introduce compulsory vaccination for certain groups in the population. This right has already been exercised by the leaders of some regions.

Putin emphasized that there is a national vaccination scheme by law that makes vaccination mandatory in principle. “There are proposals to move vaccination against covid to this section.” The deputies did not support it, “the president remarked.

Read Putin's hotline 2021: online broadcasting


American intelligence has failed to explain the origin of most UFO sightings

The extraterrestrial nature of “flying saucers” has been ruled out

The Office of the Director of National Intelligence of the United States of America recently published a report on unidentified air phenomena, or, as previously called, – unidentified flying objects (UFOs). Despite the fact that US intelligence officers responded to the existence of extraterrestrial intelligence with great skepticism, scientists have failed to explain the vast majority of UFO sightings.


A total of 144 UFO reports were considered in the report, 80 of which were detected by several sensors at once. US intelligence services have discovered certain patterns in the physical data (shape and size) and behavior (unusual patterns of movement) of “flying saucers.” It has been found that they can remain stationary in the air even in strong winds, maneuver carefully or move suddenly at a significant speed without accelerating.

The US National Space Intelligence Agency believes that UFOs can be detected due to various interferences in the air, natural atmospheric phenomena, American weapons tests, secret developments in foreign countries or for other reasons.

The authors of the report do not believe in the existence of extraterrestrial intelligence and its hidden activities on our planet. Most of all, the US intelligence service is concerned about the possibility of a potential opponent who has breakthrough or revolutionary technologies in the field of aircraft secrecy. This allows for military espionage as well as the deactivation of critical infrastructure during hostilities on which the national security of the United States depends.

The purpose of the study is not so much to document the existence or absence of foreign aircraft in the United States than to attempt to identify potential threats that could cause irreparable harm to the US government or military.

In some cases, military aircraft systems transmitted information that a UFO was an aircraft controlled by someone. For this reason, US intelligence services are very concerned about the ability of opposition states such as China, Russia or another nation to use breakthrough technologies for their own purposes, as this will significantly shake the US position in geopolitical terms.

The United States is one of the most advanced states in the field of weapons: in fiscal 2020 alone, the country's military budget was $ 778 billion.

US intelligence used data from the US National Aviation Intelligence Agency, as well as the FBI, Air, Land and Naval Forces, to gather information about UFOs. For analysis, we took information on unidentified flying objects from 2004 to 2021. The cases were investigated by the American Working Group on Unidentified Air Events.

According to her reports, most UFOs are not optical illusions, but real physical objects that have been detected by radars, infrared radiation or electro-optical means.

Lack of explanation for most UFO occurrences is considered to be due to a lack of reliable data and technical difficulties. The US intelligence services also did not consider the stories of pilots and military analysts as evidence unless the sensors were confirmed.

Despite the research, most cases of detection of unidentified flying objects remained unknown. An example of the phenomenon explained is the descending balloon which interfered with the observation means. The researchers were unable to identify the remaining cases due to problems with the processing and collection of information.

In the future, the Working Group on Unidentified Aviation Events also plans to expand the scope of its work to attract more researchers and use artificial intelligence algorithms to group patterns in validated data.
