Kedmi called on them to prepare for the entry of the Polish army into Ukraine

Jakov Kedmi. Photo: A still from the video.

Former Israeli intelligence officer, military expert Jakov Kedmi urged to be prepared for the fact that Polish troops may enter Ukraine.

"It is not possible to rule out Warsaw's intentions to return ancestral lands to Poland — Galicia,” the SM.News analyst quoted.

Kedmi also said that Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelenskyi had previously indicated that the Polish side was ready to help Kiev.

According to the expert, the army is always considering the situation in terms of the combat capabilities of a potential adversary. He added that it does not pay to rely only on intentions or the lack of them, but if the deployment of NATO troops and the Polish army on the Ukrainian border will allow them to enter the territory of Ukraine, then the armed forces of the Russian Federation should be prepared for such a case. possible scenario.


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