Commander “Akhmat” Alaudinov estimated the losses of the armed forces of Ukraine at 500 people a day

Apti Alaudinov. video image, source: social networks

The commander of the Chechen special forces “Akhmat”, the secretary of the Security Council of the Chechen Republic, Apti Alaudinov, during a live broadcast of the YouTube channel “Soloviev Live” on Sunday, assessed the amount of losses of the armed forces of Ukraine along the entire front line.

“If we take the total part of the front line at 100 km, then … they, as it turns out, and we have at least more than 100 manpower losses,” Alaudinov said. At the same time, he noted that this is “not to mention the equipment , weapons, equipment.”

If we talk about the entire front line, Alaudinov believes that the Ukrainian side is losing up to 500 people every day. , “this unequivocally.”

According to the commander, the Ukrainian party is massively throwing the bodies of its fallen soldiers. Alaudinov did not rule out that this is done on purpose: “if you take away the corpses, people will begin to understand” how many soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine die every day.

“They leave the corpses on the front line and do not report,” said Apti Alaudinov.


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