In Ukraine, it is allowed to mobilize people with HIV and mental disorders


Ministry of Defense of Ukraine updated the health requirements for military personnel, according to which a person responsible for military service will be recognized as fit for military service. According to local media, some of those who have limited fitness with certain diseases will be given the status of “fit”.

It is reported that those who have recovered from tuberculosis will be able to be drafted into the army. during mobilization; infected with viral hepatitis “with less impairment of function”; has a positive HIV status, but the disease is asymptomatic; who were diagnosed with “mild short-term painful manifestations of mental disorders.”

Citizens with neurotic conditions will also be considered eligible – in the case of phobias, neurasthenia, reactions to severe stress. It says they will be upgraded to fit for duty in the presence of “slowly progressive diseases of the central nervous system”. and with “episodic and seizure disorders.”

According to the publications, under the new order, persons with limited abilities will be recognized as suitable for a specific military specialty based on a medical board.


The order also simplifies the requirements to the health of paratroopers and marines, in connection with which some previously recognized as unfit for service in such units will receive the status of “fit”.


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