Details of the wrong agenda for the child's mother: the woman was answered by the military office

It was found out where such subpoenas come from

The story of the subpoena that was accidentally brought to a 32-year-old Moscow woman, the mother of a 6-year-old child, continued (MK wrote about it the other day). We went with the subpoena owner to two district military registration and levy offices to cancel the subpoena. But it turns out it's not that easy: they're not allowed to see the military commissar and are advised to just “score it”.

Photo: Daria Fedotova

Let us recall that the call for the thirty-two-year-old Muscovite to appear in the draft came on October 4. He calls home Marlene – that is the name of the young woman who was brought in by the precinct constable and tried to hand her over to the younger brother who was at home at the time. After it turned out that Marlene had nothing to do with the army and was not a doctor, the district police officer did not hand over the summons and did not even allow her to be photographed. A little later, Marlene's mother came to a meeting with the district police officer and indeed found out that her daughter was on the mobilization lists. Marlene was asked to turn to the military commissariat, which issued a summons for her.

At about 11 o'clock in the morning we went to one of the military registration and conscription offices in the north of Moscow. Not a soul near the military registration and enlistment office. There is a police patrol in the building. And inside – idle turnstile and free passage.

– Ladies where are you? – the man in the suit is interested without much enthusiasm.

Marlene explains her situation, but there is no interest in the eyes of the military registration and enlistment officer:

– Maybe you are a doctor? – the man asks incomprehendingly.

– No.

– Maybe you don't remember something?

– No. I remember everything, I am not responsible for military service and I am not a doctor.

The officer of the military registration and enlistment office, after a short thought, utters a great phrase:

– If it is within the letter of the law, then generally everyone should be mobilized.

We gently suggest to the employee of the military registration and conscription office that our state is conducting only a special military operation in Ukraine and nothing else. An employee stops by and offers to go to another building of the Military Registration and Recruiting Office, they say they will accept Marlene there and maybe she can solve her problem. Fortunately, the next point is only 5 minutes by car. Here the situation is different. The police maintain order in the building – there are several cars parked near the building, and there is a queue of the same citizens at the turnstile at the military registration and conscription office – who has questions about the medical board, someone also worries about subpoenas. Some men even came to the recruitment office with a support group – with young children. They are not allowed into the building itself, they offer a solution to the problem right in the vestibule – an officer of the military registration and levy office patiently answers all questions. After 15 minutes, it's our turn.

– Hi. I would like to cancel the subpoena that was sent to me. I am not responsible for military service.

– Tell us your program – says an employee of the military registration and enlistment office.

– I don't have it, the policeman has it.

– When they hand it over, come, we'll cancel it.

– But you got it. You have lists…

– This means you are not liable for military service. You don't have a military ID and have received a summons?

– Yes.

– Well, congratulations, – the uniformed officer sighs heavily.

Photo: Daria Fedotova

Please explain how this could happen. And here it shows the beautiful – It turns out that the summons is not issued by the military registration and recruitment office, but by the prefecture, which takes the names from the databases in the MFC and sends out “luck letters”; to anyone. Marlene admitted that she had actually voted once and her name might have gotten to the attention of the officials.

– We fight them. But all to no avail… Guys are brought in, yes there is such a thing. But the fact that women started getting agendas – that's something new.

An employee of the military registration and draft office assured that Marlene simply cannot pay attention to the wrong agenda, they say that the military draft offices do not call women at all:< /p>

– Women, volunteers, women, doctors come and say they want to go to the front, but we don't call them. Because we can't, because we don't have a team.

In addition, the Military Registration and Enlistment Office confirmed that the so-called “summons raids” in the subway – not someone's unkind fabrications, but the cruel truth.

– Yesterday they brought two busloads of boys, many of them don't even have military tickets. We cannot call without a ticket, they are renewed for two months.

– And you don't see yourself. Four buses have already been brought in…

As a result, Marlene was advised to take the summons, sign it and come to the commission's proposal to cancel it. But even picking up the summons, not only what is written on it, the mother of a 6-year-old child is afraid:

– I completely understand that they won't call me, but I can't cope with the emotions. I'm afraid. The child hears conversations and is also worried about me, “marlene admitted. In addition, a woman is going on vacation with a child and is afraid that she can simply be removed from the flight at the airport – after all, according to the documents, she was called.

– This citizen must write a request addressed to the military commissar. In the letter, you need to describe the situation and be sure to explain that she was never registered with the army and, moreover, is not in the reserve. In addition, you must ask the military commissar to explain whether he is on the lists and, if so, why. If she was included in the lists by mistake, then in the letter ask for a confirmation that she is not registered in the army and is not subject to mobilization, because she plans to travel abroad with her child, and this confirmation must be presented to customs officials when passing through border control.

This letter must be written in duplicate and handed over to the military commissariat office. On the second copy of the letter, he must put a seal and sign that the letter has been received. If for one reason or another they refuse to accept the letter, you need to go to the nearest Russian post office and send the document by registered mail.


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