Media: British Conservatives await Liz Truss's resignation

Photo: Global Look Press

British Prime Minister Liz Truss could lose her post in the coming weeks. This prediction was published by The Independent newspaper. Journalists refer to the opinion of a number of British MPs representing the Conservative Party.

MPs are expected to come to Truss next week. They should tell her it's “game over” because the prime minister has lost the support of lawmakers. Bookmakers are already taking bets on the timing of the Prime Minister's resignation.

Truss' latest attempt to save his position was to sack Finance Minister Kwazi Kwarteng. But that didn't help. MPs are now debating on the sidelines how to recall the prime minister until October 31.

The situation is complicated by the fact that Trussová only took office a month and a half ago. So he has some “immunity”. It cannot be removed earlier than in a year. However, with the chance to sack the offending official, MPs are ready to rally and adjust the rules.

The British government is now under heavy criticism over a plan to boost the economy. Everyone fears that the implementation of these measures will increase the size of the public debt. Massive tax cuts were planned. After the plan was introduced in parliament, British government bonds fell in price. The pound sterling exchange rate also fell.


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