Bloomberg talked about the skirmish between China's ambassador and NATO admiral over Russia


Arctic Circle Rally in Iceland ” was marred by a skirmish between China's ambassador to the country and a NATO admiral, according to Bloomberg.

According to the material, a senior NATO official, Admiral Rob Bauer, accused China of not sharing the alliance's values, as well as undermining the “rules-based international order .Other claims include Beijing's reluctance to condemn Russia's special operation in Ukraine.

The Chinese ambassador to Iceland, He Rulong, reacted rather harshly, saying that his country was based on historical assumptions for the conflict in Ukraine and the whole world should to understand its real reason.

Previously, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning said that China hopes for a quick de-escalation of the Ukraine crisis and that all parties will be able to properly resolve their differences through dialogue and negotiation. Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said , that Beijing stands for respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries, including Ukraine, and for the resolution of disputes in accordance with the principles of the UN Charter.


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