Biden says the US economy is “fucking strong” with a strong dollar

Photo: Global Look Press

US President Joe Biden sees no connection between the strengthening of the dollar and the growing number of problems in the global economy. The head of state said that he considers insufficient economic growth and a lack of sensible policies in other countries to be the cause of the difficulties. “I'm not worried about the strength of the dollar, I'm worried about the rest of the world,” Biden said. His words were quoted by the press pool of the White House.

According to Biden, the American economy is now “damn strong”. At the same time, the American leader emphasized that inflation is everywhere and in many countries it is much higher than in the United States. And this pile of problems is the cause of the sad state of the world economy.

Earlier, the chief economist of the International Monetary Fund Pierre-Olivier Gourinsha admitted that due to the strengthening of the dollar, the economies of several countries are now under serious pressure. Governments and corporations spend more on external debt service. which is calculated in US currency. At the same time, the prices of imported goods are rising and at the same time inflation is rising.


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