The British Minister of Defense demands conditions for the Johnson-Putin summit


British Defense Minister Ben Wallace said on television that a summit was possible between Prime Minister Boris Johnson and Russian President Vladimir Putin.

“Boris Johnson is obviously open to meeting anyone,” Wallace said.

He noted that if an important step towards the normalization of relations had to be taken, it would be done.

Wallace also described the condition that Russia must meet before such a meeting. According to him, President Putin must show “some positive signs of change.”

The British Minister of Defense stressed that while London still sees harmful activity. “But I think we will judge President Putin by his actions,” he added.

At the same time, Wallace expressed hope that the Kremlin would like to improve relations with London, noting that the ongoing disagreements between Russia and the West are not in anyone's interest. As for the lifting of sanctions, Wallace said it could follow Russia's “respect for other people's sovereignty and the international rule of law.”


Turkey has responded to the launch of flights with Russia

Photo: Gennady Cherkasov

Turkish authorities are with welcomed the decision of the Russian Federation to resume air traffic with the country. The Turkish Ministry of Tourism informed about it.

“We are satisfied with the Russian side's decision to resume flights,” a source from Turkey's tourism department quoted RIA Novosti as saying. Russian Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova has previously indicated the timing of the resumption of air communications with Turkey. From June 22, Russian planes will be able to fly to Turkey with tourists.

This decision was taken by the Russian authorities after examining the situation with the spread of coronavirus infection in Turkey. According to Golikova, the vaccination of hotel staff is organized in Turkey, the regime of masks is observed and a curfew has been imposed on the local population.

Read the material: Turkey will be open to Russians from June 22


Zelensky announced sanctions against Chemezov

Photo: Still from the video

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky wrote in his telegram channel, which the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine, at the proposal of the Security Service, adopted at its meeting a decision to impose sanctions on the head of Rostz Sergei Chemezov.

It was previously announced that sanctions were also imposed on Russian businessman Pavel Fuks and Ukrainian businessman Dmitry Firtash.


Surkov offered Navalny to obtain a German passport and go to the Bundestag

Photo: Gennady Cherkasov

Authorities suppress illegal anti-government speeches in all countries, and the opposition Alexei Navalny, if he appeals to the Germans, can be elected to the Federal Assembly. This was stated by former presidential assistant Vladislav Surkov in an interview with the Financial Times.

He described Alexei Navalny as an “unacceptable” figure in the Russian political scene.

“It is unacceptable. It should not be part of Russian politics. The Germans love him, let him be elected to the Bundestag … They can give him a German passport, “Surkov emphasized.

The former president's assistant also noted that the state protects his interests everywhere. “In all countries, illegal demonstrations are being suppressed by force.” Why should it be different with us? “Surkov said in an interview with this publication.

Recall that Alexei Navalny is currently in prison: his suspended sentence was replaced by a real suspended sentence for violating the rules.

Read the material: Surkov explained Putin's “monarchism”: “Overdose of freedom is fatal”


He named the cost of the glasses he gave Biden to Putin in Geneva

Photo: AP

Randolph's flight goggles worn by US President Joseph Biden he gave to his Russian colleague Vladimir Putin, it costs $ 299, which is about 21 thousand rubles. Putin wears aviation goggles, but prefers the Chrome Hearts and Cartier brands. In addition, Biden presented Putin with a bison-shaped crystal statue.

Putin, on the other hand, presented Biden with a writing set decorated with a plume.

Earlier, the journalist compared the cars in which the two leaders arrived at the summit in Geneva. Biden left the Cadillac, nicknamed “The Beast”, for $ 1.5 million (108 million rubles), while Putin left the Aurus Senat limousine, which is estimated to cost 18 million rubles.

Recall that the meetings between Putin and Biden took place in Geneva on 16 June. The negotiations lasted 3 hours and the leaders kept a statement of their results. Putin noted that the parties had managed to agree on the return of the country's ambassadors to their seats.


Bulgarians spoke of Putin after Geneva: “They are afraid of overthrow”


Readers of the Bulgarian edition of “Deník” discussed on the publication on the summit of the Presidents of Russia and the United States, Vladimir Putin and Joe Biden, in Geneva. Many were interested in Biden's words that Putin was reportedly afraid of overthrow. They also argued about whether Russia would fight the United States with China.

“Putin is really very worried that one day human love will overtake him …” – wrote one of the readers.

“It depends on how you understand this phrase,” another argues about Biden's statement. He added that in his opinion, Putin was concerned about NATO surrounding Russia and overthrowing as a result of the intervention. “In my opinion, it can be understood, especially because Americans are afraid of the same things,” the user writes, noting that Americans talk a lot about the fact that the Russians do not influence the American election.

“Putin was overthrown. The oligarchs who actually rule Russia. Biden and NATO don't care, “says another participant in the discussion.

But the author of the following commentary quarreled with those who criticized Putin's subsequent press conference. According to the author, Putin was ready for any questions, he answered promptly, intelligently, accurately and with humor. “Compared to him, many Western leaders seem incompetent,” he said in a commentary.

Another reader writes that he and many experts were impressed by Biden's attitude at the beginning of the talks. Biden sat cross-legged like a woman and Putin sat like an alpha male.


Poland's mind: Poland believed in the inevitability of a “Russian invasion”


In Poland, many analysts, politicians and journalists believed in the “invasion” of Russia and the “betrayal” of the West, says author Jan Engelgard on the website of Myśl Polska. He noted that all these numbers live in the past and believe that there is a conspiracy between Russia and Germany against Polish interests.

After the careful resumption of relations between Washington and Moscow, they begin to sound the alarm and frighten the Polish public with “Western betrayal” and “invasion of Moscow,” the article said. Sometimes it is a manifestation of stupidity, other times it is a sincere belief, and other times it is paid for in words.

All these delusions intensified after the Putin and Biden summit. And before that, Polish politicians in the Seim were one to vote in favor of a project against Nord Stream-2. The author claims that many Poles repeat “nonsense” about the “Russian invasion” so as not to be accused of dissent.

Paranoia has spread to all layers of politics, being accused against the ruling party – that it is allegedly “pro-Kremlin” and the opposition – that it is allegedly “pro-German”. “Polish neurosis was the source of accusations against America, which was explained that she did not understand anything and behaved stupidly.” Talking to Putin? What a childish naivete! “- writes Engelgard.

Normal foreign policy cannot be pursued in Poland, everyone lives with the feeling that August 1939 is on the street, the author added.


Lavrov denied information about the deployment of Turkish military bases in Azerbaijan

Photo: Natalia Gubernatorova

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov did not comment on the information on Turkey's plans to deploy military bases in Azerbaijan. According to him, these are only rumors.

“We haven't talked about this issue and we're commenting on rumors,” & mdash; Lavrov said at a press conference held after talks between the Foreign Minister and his Belarusian counterpart Vladimir Makei.

It has previously emerged that the Turkish Armed Forces may have several military bases in Azerbaijan. This was stated by the President of the Republic, Recep Erdogan. He did not name the exact date of construction of the bases.

Erdogan visited Azerbaijan this week. He negotiated with his colleague Ilham Aliyev. The presidents signed an alliance agreement and jointly traveled through the Nagorno-Karabakh regions, which came under Azerbaijan's control last year.


Azerbaijan places the head of the Union of Armenian Russians on the international wanted list


fact of arms smuggling in Artsakh against the leader Tashir Samvel Karapetyan, Royalsys Engineering owner David Galustyan and KOMEX manager Ara Abrahamyan. According to the investigation, the crime was committed between 2001 and 2021. The weapon was transported by passenger and military aircraft to Armenia, from there it was transported to Karabakh.

The defendants in the case were entered on the international wanted list. In addition, they were arrested in absentia.

Recall that Ara Abrahamyan also heads the Union of Russian Armenians. Armenian businessmen never hid their active support for Artsakh. However, they have not yet been charged with smuggling weapons and other crimes, according to


UN: The number of refugees in the world increased by 4% during the year


According to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for refugees (UNHCR), in 2020 the number of refugees worldwide increased by 4% – to almost 82.4 million people. The organization points out that this was despite the coronavirus pandemic, a combat measure that prevented population migration.

Among those in need of protection are 48 million internally displaced persons. First of all, we are talking about the people of Ethiopia, Sudan, the Sahel, Mozambique, Yemen, Afghanistan and Colombia. In addition, 42% of refugees are children. In addition, almost 1 million children were born as refugees.

The authors of the report note that more political will needs to be applied to the current crisis in order to get out. This requires, in particular, an end to selfish approaches to politics.
