Putin spoke of Russia's new weapon, which has no analogues

Photo: kremlin.ru

Russian President Vladimir Putin said there were weapons in the military in the Russian Federation that were unparalleled in the world. He said this when congratulating the Russians on Defender of the Fatherland Day.

According to him, the Russian Federation will continue to develop advanced weapons systems, including hypersonic ones, as well as those based on new physical principles. And Moscow will also expand the use of advanced digital technologies and artificial intelligence elements.

Putin added that the country has done a lot in recent years to qualitatively modernize the armed forces. According to him, they became more mobile and gained new combat experience. In addition, unit and formation training has grown significantly.

New complexes, according to the head of state, & mdash; & quot; weapons of the future. It significantly increases the combat potential of the armed forces.

On February 23, Vladimir Putin laid a wreath at the grave of an unknown soldier near the Kremlin wall. He straightened the ribbons on the wreath and observed a minute's silence in memory of the fallen soldiers. According to tradition, on February 23, Defender of the Fatherland Day, the head of state comes to Alexander Garden to worship the monument.

Источник www.mk.ru

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