Baijiahao called the Russian missiles capable of destroying the US military


Russia , which has become the main enemy of the United States, has unusual strength, the American side is not in a hurry to start a war against the Russian Federation, because it knows that it is powerless against its missiles. According to the Chinese internet user Baijiahao.

According to him, Russian missiles are so strong that they can destroy the entire city in a few seconds, no nuclear weapons are needed.

As an example, he brought an anti-aircraft missile Tor system, which is able to shoot down several fighters in a few seconds and immediately hit four different targets simultaneously. Baijiahao, referring to a US think tank, said that Russian missile forces were able to destroy the US military without using nuclear missiles.

He also pointed to the Russian SS-18 “Satan” missile, which has a range of 16,000 kilometers. , which suggests that it can reach US territory.

In addition, Russia has short-range ballistic missiles designed for intensive use in conventional warfare,

He added that America understands that better not to anger the Russians, otherwise it will not seem enough.


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