Putin ordered to increase Russian grain exports to China

The President authorized the development of an agreement with China on the expansion of grain supplies

Source: screenshot

Russian President Vladimir Putin approved a list of guidelines after a meeting on urban development in the Far East held on March 14, the corresponding document was published on the Kremlin website. Among the activities that the head of state ordered the government to implement is the development of an agreement that would increase the production of grain in the Urals, the Far East and Siberia, as well as increase its export to China.

“Consider the problem of concluding an intergovernmental agreement between the Russian Federation and China on the project “New land grain corridor Russia – China” in order to increase the volume of grain production…as well as the volume of its export to the market of the People's Republic of China,” reads the letter approved by Vladimir Putin  a list of instructions.

From the text of the agreed document, it follows that the time allotted for solving the task is limited to October 1 of the current year.

Источник www.mk.ru

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