He named three areas in which the armed forces of Ukraine are already on the offensive

Poliologist Svetov: an active offensive by the armed forces of Ukraine is possible in July

Photo: president.gov.ua

The attack by the armed forces of Ukraine is already underway in several directions. However, Ukrainian soldiers will try to deliver the main blows closer to the NATO summit in order to try to join the Western military-political bloc, said political scientist Yuriy Svetov in an interview with URA.RU.

According to him, the counter-offensive is already taking place from various angles . It is mainly an offensive in the information plane, where there is constant talk about the upcoming counter-offensive operation, explained the spokesperson of the publication. The second offensive is attacks by drones of various levels, including constant sabotage against Crimea, the expert noted. The third is the real battle that continues around Artemivsk (renamed Bakhmut), Svetov emphasized.

According to the analyst, an active offensive is already possible, but closer to the NATO summit in Vilnius, which is scheduled for 11-12. July.

Источник www.mk.ru

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