The US has decided to find a way to provide Cubans with the Internet


United States ruled to Find a Way to Provide All Cubans with the Internet To this end, the Americans have begun negotiations with private providers in Cuba. We are talking about wireless access to the World Wide Web.

The US authorities believe that in this way they will ensure the people of Liberty Island the right to information and mutual communication. According to this version, the provision of the Internet will become an act of humanitarian support.

Consultations on the issue of Cubans' access to the World Wide Web are taking place with Congress and experts in the United States. If a solution is found, then, according to US authorities, no one else will be able to censor information about human rights violations on the island. And the whole world will know what is happening in Cuba.

In mid-July, a wave of unrest swept through the island. Supporters of the government suffered in clashes with rioters. The Cuban authorities have entrusted all responsibility for organizing the riots to the United States.


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