Zelensky expressed satisfaction with the conversation between Biden and Putin

The Ukrainian president himself is predicted to end his career

The topic of “Putin's attack on Ukraine”, skillfully instigated by the Kiev media on the eve of Vladimir Putin's talks with Joseph Biden, still excites the mind of Ukrainians . Vladimir Zelensky can only benefit from such a shift in emphasis. Somehow it became inappropriate to talk about the country's complete unpreparedness for the winter heating season, the continuing rise in food prices

Photo: president.gov.ua

After dealing with the confusion, Volodymyr Zelensky decided to describe in two or three “modest moves” a “conversation about Ukraine without the participation of Ukraine.” At a joint press conference with Croatian Prime Minister Andrei Plenkovich, who is visiting Kiev, the Ukrainian president expressed satisfaction with the very fact that Putin is communicating with Biden. After promising to reporters that he would dilute the principle with several details he will learn from the US president on Thursday, Zelensky reiterated his hope for a “return to the ceasefire” and a New Year's exchange of prisoners. The Ukrainian president would also like to persuade the “other party” to open entry and exit checkpoints before the New Year holidays. Let's say that on the Ukrainian side, these checkpoints work stably, so that the people of Donbas can get the positive “administrative services they need”. According to its logical constructions, Ukraine is currently “okay” because the element of urgency of this telephone contact is completely missing.

Viktor Nebozhenko, director of the Sociological Service “Ukrainian Barometer”, commented on the assessment of the leaders of the world's two leading nuclear powers: contrary to popular belief, the United States is not really afraid of introducing Russian troops to Ukraine. For them, the fate of the post-Soviet republic is on the 277th place. Washington is benefiting from both the “invasion” and Russia's return from Ukraine.

In the first case, states will have an excuse to punish the Russian Federation with “hellish sanctions” that allow for the arrest of billions of Russian “offshore” money, a gas and oil embargo, and finally disconnection from the SWIFT system. The second goal of American sanctions is to show China that in the event of an attempted occupation of Taiwan by its army, not only the United States but also its NATO allies will attack the PRC. Sanctions will, of course, also be “prescribed” for Beijing. No less “hellish.”

The editor-in-chief of the Ratuš edition of Ratuš, Nikolai Saveljev, spoke about the Biden-Putin talks more briefly. My colleague believes that the Americans did not give up Ukraine. For now. Nothing ended on the “Eastern Front”.

Источник www.mk.ru

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