'We don't want to fight': Russian fighters receive messages from mobilized Ukrainians

TASS: Mobilized Ukrainian engineers leave unactivated mines with messages for Russian armed forces

Photo: Social Networks

TASS journalists were informed that trenchers of the Southern Group of Russian Forces in the direction of Donetsk are finding mines that are not activated or not fully activated by engineers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, including those mobilized .

On these mines, they leave various messages, from the desire for reconciliation to Nazi symbols.

In an interview with journalists, the head of the engineering service of the regiment of the group “South” of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation with the call sign ” Kirpich” He said that sometimes the mobilized leave different inscriptions or not fully prepared mines. For example, an engineer can place a mine but not remove the top pin, and there are inscriptions on the back of that mine.

One of the mines they found was written in Russian: “Guys, we are the same as you. We don't want to fight.” The miner who created this sign also wrote: “I hope to return home soon.”

However, you can also find mines with insults, threats or Nazi symbols.

Источник www.mk.ru

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