The United States warned Zelenský of “invading” Russia within two days

Photo: Gennady Cherkasov

To the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky he said Russia could reportedly launch an “invasion” within the next 48 hours. This information was brought to him by the American administration. They stressed that the probability of this was allegedly high.

According to Newsweek, US intelligence claims. And the publication also refers to the reports of aerial observers. They note that on Wednesday morning, Russia allegedly violated Ukraine's airspace and made a short flight over Ukraine. It was probably a reconnaissance aircraft.

According to a source close to the Zelenský government, such a warning was accepted. He noted, however, that this is the third time in a month that Kiev has received such warnings.

attributed Russia's intention to invade Ukraine. Various dates were provided but no evidence was provided. Moscow, on the other hand, has denied the allegations. They have also pointed out in the Russian Federation that speeches on “Russian aggression” are being used as a pretext for deploying additional NATO military equipment near the country's borders.


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