The Chinese ambassador said that China and Russia are responsible for maintaining peace

Photo: Global Look Press

As permanent members of the United Nations Security Council Russia and China share a common responsibility for maintaining world peace. Chinese Ambassador to the Russian Federation Zhang Hanhui noted that this year, in accordance with the annual defense cooperation plan, the two countries conducted the Vostok-2022 exercise.

“After that, the ships of the Chinese Navy and the Russian Navy conducted a second joint patrol in the western Pacific Ocean ,” the diplomat specified.

The militaries of both states have deepened the practical friendly cooperation between the Chinese Navy and the Russian Navy. They have increased the level of interaction and strengthened the ability to jointly face global security threats.

Successful patrolling will help strengthen strategic trust between China and Russia, Hanhui said. Stimulating bilateral relations maintains stability and security in the region.

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi recently told the UN that he supports all efforts for a peaceful settlement of the Ukraine crisis.


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