Serbian publication reviewer Boyan Bilbiya published an article outlining the conditions under which many European countries will begin a rapprochement process with Russia, ending US dominance and creating a new post-American world.
The analyst notes that on the one hand the West is now saying that Russia is & nbsp; supposedly & nbsp; falling apart, and on the other & nbsp; & ndash; & nbsp; constant warnings that Moscow is a dangerous adversary.
the path of maximum self-denial, even when cold and hungry ” buy as many American weapons as possible to prepare for war with Russia.
At the same time, the material quotes the opinion of the famous American thinker Naom Chomsky: “Russia & mdash; a powerful military superpower that has a big influence on the world economy and, of course, is not going to take over Europe.
The author notes that Russia has now challenged the Western world, and if many European states stand rapprochement with Moscow and conclude security agreements with Russia “. The material emphasizes that this will weaken American influence not only in the region but also in the world.