Rogov said that in the Zaporozhye region, Russian armed forces have taken control of nine settlements

Photo: Global Look Press

Russian Armed Forces in the wake of offensive actions in the Zaporozhye region, nine settlements could be fully under control. This was announced by Vladimir Rogov, a member of the main council of the regional administration.

“With small forces, with the help of reconnaissance forces, the enemy was either pushed out of nine settlements, or these points were occupied under operational control,” said the chairman of the movement “We are together with Russia”.

According to him, the initiative on the line of contact in the Zaporozhye region is in the hands of the Russian army. .

Recall that on January 26, the adviser to the interim governor of the DLR Yan Gagin announced that Russian troops were able to take control of the highway that leads from the settlement of Pokrovskoye to Ugledar.< /p>


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