Poddubny: Prigozhin refused to obey the president

Commander Yevgeny Poddubny announced that the head of the PMC “Wagner” Yevgeny Prigozhin, at the request of Russian President Vladimir Putin, refused to confess and recognize his actions as treason.

According to Poddubny, Prigozhin actually openly announced to the army an uprising and an attempt to organize an armed coup, blocking almost all roads to a peaceful solution to the most difficult situation.

“The organizers of the campaign against Moscow are trying to turn the rebellion into a civil war. What the officers I am in contact with are saying. With all due respect to the “musicians” for their past actions, they consider their act a betrayal. The country has a president elected by the people and he is the one who makes the decisions and is also responsible for them. But I will remind you that external enemies are not able to destroy Russia without internal turmoil. Problems are the only main condition for the enemy's success,” Poddubny said.

Read: Solovyev: I didn't expect to live to see this happen

Источник www.mk.ru

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