Russian Professor Egorov was deported from Moldova


Chisinau deports first deputy director CIS, Doctor of Historical and Economic Sciences, Professor Vladimir Egorov. It is exported from the airport in the capital of Moldova. The reasons for deportation were not stated. & Nbsp;

According to RIA Novosti, Vladimir Georgovich was detained at a border check after arriving in Chisinau. For arrival purposes stated “Medical Indications”. Yegorov was then questioned about the reasons why he was the owner of the prizes of the unrecognized Transnistrian Republic of Moldova. The scientist is now in an undocumented buffer zone. They were taken from him.

Natalia Narochnitskaya, a political scientist and doctor of science, was not admitted to Moldova earlier on Friday. The same thing happened with Vladimir Zhuravlev, a member of the Russian Public Chamber.

Narochnitskaya was held at the border for two hours and then taken without explanation to the same plane, which flew to the republic and deported. The political scientist linked the incident to the upcoming presidential elections in Transnistria, which will take place on December 12.


Poklonska announced her main mistake as a deputy

Russian lawyer, politician, ambassador of the Russian Federation to Cape Verde, Natalia Poklonskaya, admitted in an interview with journalists that, as a member of the State Duma, she did not always act correctly. In addition, she knew some of her mistakes immediately and made them conscious, while she could only become fully aware of others after a while.

Photo: Natalia Gubernatorova

According to Tatler magazine, Poklonskaya shared her memories of her work as a member of the State Duma of the Russian Federation.

Poklonská admitted that she regretted some of her actions as a Member of Parliament and considered them wrong. In particular, she mentioned the scandal surrounding the premiere of the film “Matilda” by director Alexei Uchitel.

“There are mistakes I made … on purpose. There are mistakes I made without my knowledge.” A mistake with “Matilda” including … You can't deprive people of the right to vote, “Poklonskaya admitted.


Nobel Speech by Dmitry Muratov: “Stop the Hawk's Cry”

Photos: Still from the video

Oslo launched by Nobel Peace Awards Ceremony. It will feature Novaya Gazeta editor-in-chief Dmitry Muratov and Filipino journalist Maria Ressa, who shared the award in 2021.

He appeared on the podium. Muratov recalled the words of Mikhail Gorbachev, delivered on April 18, 1988. “It is a meeting of the Politburo. One of the Soviet ministers demands to leave the troops in Afghanistan, Mikhail Gorbachev interrupts him hard:” Stop screaming hawk! “

As a result, Muratov asked why it was not a modern program for politics and journalism that would help “establish a life without funerals” and exchanges of prisoners, “he added.

And now the illusion that progress can be made by technology And now the authorities of many countries “actively sell the idea of ​​war.” Threatening the world with war is the duty of true patriots “

See delete related video


“Does not tolerate”: The Kremlin explained Putin's nervous reaction to Sokurov's question

Photo: Natalia Gubernatorova

Press Secretary President of Russia Dmitry Peskov commented on the dispute between Vladimir Putin and director Alexander Sokurov. According to him, the harsh reaction of the head of state was caused by the unprofessional nature of Sokur's statement.

“This is what the president does not tolerate. But he told him about it directly, “- said Peskov in an interview with the Daily Storm. and the president began a dispute.

At some point, the head of state decided to end the discussion.Putin asked Sokurov not to make the meeting a talk show./p>


A Russian woman caught Volodin on the street with a complaint about QR codes: the child must not see

The President of the State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin in his telegram the channel published a video of his communication with officials and residents of Saratov, during which a woman approached him and complained about “discrimination” and “segregation”; due to the regional introduction of the QR code system.

The woman said lawmakers, and Volodin in particular, should abandon QR codes as a tool to combat the coronavirus pandemic. The woman emphasized that she was not an opponent of vaccination, but considered vaccination and the code system to be unrelated.

“QR code is not about health. This is a lever for influencing people, – said the Russian woman. “It's not necessary for people.” The woman recalled that previous generations of the country's citizens had fought against discrimination and fascism, but now threatened to return to such an unjust division of Russians into groups.

The woman said she was already facing degrading situations. According to her, without a QR code she is not allowed in the library, cafes, many other public places, and this has affected her child.

“I am forbidden to go and help the child in the children's section to change,” – said the woman.

In response to the citizen, Volodin called on her to think not only of herself but also of others and children about the spread of coronavirus. The spokeswoman replied that she was thinking of others, observing pandemic restraints and putting on a mask in public places. Volodin also recalled yesterday's speech by President Vladimir Putin at an HRC meeting, during which he called the “framework” a bill on QR codes in transport, adding that the law should be drafted additionally and on the spot. & # 39; & # 39;

“It is not possible to pass a law that would discriminate against one part of the citizens and not do so at the same time (discrimination – MC),” the woman replied.

they have been given wide powers and some local regulations are already affecting people. She cited the situation in Kazan as an example, where the introduction of QR codes in transport led to the collapse and numerous scandals.

“So that local regulations do not conflict with federal law,” the woman added. During the interview, Volodin assured that he had heard the partner's opinion and would try to “ get answers to the questions that were asked. & # 39; & # 39;

Earlier, Volodin posted a post on his channel urging readers to leave comments on QR codes. In a few days, the post received more than half a million comments, not counting those deleted by the moderators – some users have complained. A quick glance at the comment page would indicate that the vast majority are against the coding system and liken it to “fascism”.


Former Minister Kulikov commented on Putin's words about CIA agents in the government

Photo: Gennady Cherkasov

Former Minister of the Interior Anatoly Kulikov, a former member of the State Duma of the State Duma of the Stavropol Territory, commented on the words of Russian President Vladimir Putin about the presence of American spies in the Russian government in the 1990s.

According to him, agents in the Ministry of Interior and departments under his control There was no CIA. The same applies to the ministries and ministries he oversaw when he was Deputy Prime Minister. The Radiotochka NSN telegram channel informs about the Ministry of Emergency Situations, railway units, currency and export control and drug control, the tax service and the tax police.

However, Kulikov does not mention. to deny words from Russian President Vladimir Putin about the presence of CIA officers in the Russian government in the 1990s. According to him, Putin was working on the FSB at the time and “he knows better.” “ But if the president speaks, it means he was & # 39; & # 39; stressed.

The fact that American CIA employees worked in Russia in the mid-1990s as advisers, official CIA employees. RF government, Vladimir Putin said earlier. He announced this information at a meeting of the Council for the Development of Civil Society and Human Rights. The Russian leader added that in early 2000, everyone was cleared.

In addition, in the United States, they were later prosecuted for being CIA employees and working in the Russian Federation, “ violating American law, involved in privatization. & # 39; & # 39;


Polylogist Natalya Narochnitskaya was deported from Moldova

Politician Natalya Narochnitskaya Photo:> Migration offices The famous Russian political scientist Natalia Naročnitská was deported from Moldova. This was announced in her telegram channel by the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova.

According to her, Narochnickaya was held at the border for two hours and then taken without explanation to the same plane she flew to the republic. “

” Let me remind my colleagues in Chisinau: you have chosen democracy, not the Stone Age. And it commits itself, “Zacharova wrote. Raisa Novitski, a representative of the Moldovan border service, said the ministry knew nothing about the incident and promised to provide details as soon as it appeared. Narochnickya herself linked her deportation to the upcoming presidential elections in Transnistria, which will take place on December 12.


In Crimea, they called for sanctions over the incident with a Ukrainian ship


State Duma Representative from Crimea Mikhail Sheremet commented on the incident with the Ukrainian navy ship “Donbass” in the Kerch Strait. He noted that Ukraine's top officials are behind this provocation. According to him, such a situation would not have occurred without the consent of the country's president Vladimír Zelenský.

The MP also noted that in the event of repeated attempts associated with the desire or “imitation of the Kerch Strait”, Ukrainian ships will face an “unenviable fate”. According to him, the Russian border guards will proceed strictly within the framework of Russian legislation. And all responsibility for the fate of the sailors will lie solely with the Ukrainian authorities, which issued such a “criminal order”.

According to Sheremet, the Kiev authorities did not learn after their own provocation in 2018. However, the actions of the Ukrainian army pose a threat to international shipping. The deputy added that there are no problems with crossing the strait. All you have to do is apply in advance.

But after this provocation, Sheremet called for the use of a “harsh sanctions mechanism, possibly of an energetic nature.” This will help ensure that Ukraine is “discouraged from creating escalation points” near Russia's borders.

Earlier, another member of the State Duma, Adalbi Shchagoshev, called on official Kiev to refrain from such provocations. In his view, the Ukrainian authorities deliberately provoke tensions in the Sea of ​​Azov because they are convinced that the Western partners will help them.

On 9. December it was announced that the command ship “Donbass” of the Ukrainian navy withdrew from the raid on the port of Mariupol and set out for Kerch. In the evening, the Russian FSB noted that it was approaching the Kerch Strait. The crew did not comply with the request to change course. At the same time, there were no requests from the Ukrainian side to cross the strait. However, in the end, the ship was on the opposite course.


The Americans used BMP M2A3 Bradley in Syria on oil fields

US Army conducts another patrol in northern Syria , in which M2A3 Bradley infantry fighting vehicles also participated.

Security forces of the US Armed Forces provide exclusively in the field of oil fields. In this case, near the Al Omar oil fields and the Konoko oil and gas fields.

In September, a coalition led by the US military plans Bradley infantry fighting vehicles in northeastern Syria. As Colonel Wayne Marotto of Operation Unwavering Resolve tweeted, the Coalition continues to support our partners in the fight against ISIS. Deployment of M2A2 Bradley infantry fighting vehicles in northeastern Syria will provide protection for our ongoing mission to fight IS (a terrorist organization banned in Russia


The Council spokesman announced that Ukraine and the West were preparing a military provocation against Russia


Party “Opposition Platform – For Life “Ilya Kiva said in her Telegram channel that Ukraine, together with Great Britain and America, is preparing a military provocation against Russia.

According to him, the Ukrainian authorities together with Western partners – the United Kingdom and the United States – are going to conduct a military provocation against Russia at the end of January.

“So they want to” kill two flies with one blow “: the West wants to blame Russia and impose new sanctions, disrupting the North Stream – 2, and the Ukrainian authorities want to write their failures, hunger and winter back to war.” Kiva added.

He specified that at this moment the first phase of this provocation had begun – information hysteria about a possible Russian aggression. The Russian authorities are ready for such scenarios and will soon take countermeasures and provide counter-arguments.
