Putin spoke of a CIA agent who was an adviser to the government in the 1990s

Photo: pixabay.com

At the beginning of 19 In the 1980s, at least one US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) staff served as an adviser to the Russian government. By doing business in Russia, he violated American laws and became a member of the lawsuit in his homeland.

In an interview with the film “Russia. Contemporary History”, the head of state, Vladimir Putin, stated this. A fragment of the film showed the TV channel “Russia-1”. CIA agents were involved in the privatization process when they worked in Russia. Putin did not name intelligence officers.

The president explained that in the early 2000s he “cleaned them all,” but in the mid-1990s American intelligence officers served as advisers to the Russian government. During a direct line in 2013, Putin said CIA officers worked in the environment of Anatoly Chubais. He headed the Federal Property Management Agency and, as deputy prime minister, oversaw the privatization process. US intelligence officers had no right to enrich themselves in Russia.

“They were banned by law from engaging in any commercial activity within the United States, but they could not resist corruption – you know,” the Russian president said.

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Sokurov replied to Kadyrov when he said of a “corrupt face”

Photo: Alexander Astafiev

70 years old The Chechen chief Ramzan Kadarov, a Russian film director and screenwriter and folk artist of the Russian Federation, responded by criticizing his speech at a meeting between the President of the Russian Federation and the Civil Society and Human Rights Council (HRC).

that Sokurov told Vladimir Putin about a number of problems in the country, in particular. He expressed his personal view that the republics of the North Caucasus currently have a strong “national character” and offered the release of those who did not want to live with Russia. Then the head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, wrote in his Telegram channel and talked about Sokurov: “I don't like this voracious face!” Kadyrov also suggested that the competent authorities check Sokurov's words for anti-state and extremist character. He also stressed that “The Chechen Republic was, is and will be an integral part of the Russian Federation.”

“I said what I said. But I only said what I said … “- Sokurov remarked, adding that the conversation with the president was open.

” You can talk openly with the president, express your opinion on various circumstances of life in the country. , “Sokorov emphasized, adding that it was appropriate in the HRC.

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Peskov: Russia fears moving NATO equipment across a Greek port

Photo: pixabay.com

Russia is concerned about the transfer of troops and military NATO technology through the Greek port of Alexandroupoli. This was stated by the press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Peskov in an interview with the Greek television channel Antenna.

Peskov answered the question why Russia is dissatisfied with the close cooperation between Greece and NATO. he explained that a large number of Alliance troops were concentrated on Greek territory. And NATO is openly calling Russia an enemy. And he declares his goal – to keep our state under control.

At the same time, the official emphasized that Greece has always been a friendly country for Russia. And now she is simply tied to the Alliance. It is clear that there are more demands on NATO than on Greece itself.

Peskov added that Moscow considers Greece a partner and expects that if the Americans impose sanctions, Athens will make the right decision and maintain friendly relations. . He also pointed out that Greece is a sovereign country and should not act under the dictates of the US or the EU.

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Johnson's chair swayed from last year's coronavirus party

England introduces COVID passports

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has seldom been consistent in his actions. It is either trying to leave the European Union or it shows an exaggerated responsibility in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic, which clearly defies the separatist United Kingdom. And now England intends to introduce COVID passports for the vaccinated. And all this – against the backdrop of last year's scandal that occurred on Downing Street, where diplomats turned out to be loud parties at the height of the pandemic. The position of the head of the British government in this context is rapidly weakening.

Photo: en.wikipedia.org

The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom addressed the House of Commons on 8 December in the context of a party held in Downing Street on 18 December last year, amid a coronavirus pandemic. Indirect evidence has existed before, but this time it was supported & nbsp; new audio evidence of the event participants. It is noteworthy that on the eve of the Sabbath & # 39; & # 39; diplomats themselves announced the mandatory closure of restaurants and other entertainment venues on December 16 and 17 & ndash; just under the pretext of the danger of spreading a pandemic. According to various sources, they organized another day on Downing Street and performed karaoke, dances and rich alcoholic delights.

The suspicion of MPs and ordinary citizens was fueled by a video that leaked to the network on December 22 last year, in which government employee Allegra Stratton described what was happening a few days ago, not as a party: but as “ just cheese and wine. ' & # 39; Although, even if we take this version of faith, it did not fit into the framework of “sitting at home with your family, & # 39; & # 39; strictly outlined by the authorities.

Johnson is now apparently trying to rehabilitate. On the one hand, he insists that the previous restrictions have taken effect and that it is therefore necessary to continue to act in their direction. On the other hand & mdash; announces the introduction of the covid & nbsp; passports, the presence of which alone will allow citizens to attend large gatherings of people. However, this only applies to the territory of England, not to the whole of the United Kingdom (including Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland, which have their own views on ways to combat the pandemic). “ He (Johnson) doesn't dare impose his own restrictions on Wales, the Welsh just won't listen to him, & mdash; said MK Cardiff resident Nicholas Dan. & mdash; We do not like the EU, but it has left it so shamefully that it would be better if it stayed. He has nothing but Brexit behind his soul and is trying to portray a leader. It is ridiculous. & # 39; & # 39;

Now no one can formally influence Johnson, except for British MPs, & mdash; The structures of the European Union no longer have power over London. However, if conservatives who are dissatisfied with the prime minister still enter into a shaky situational alliance with Labor, the prime minister's position may shake and then the situation in Western Europe will change dramatically. Unless Johnson's opponents simply want to take power without fundamentally changing the agenda.

In addition to the sensational party on December 18, 2010, two other diplomatic parties are being discussed. from the same period, the facts of which will be the subject of a parliamentary inquiry, & mdash; it will be headed by Secretary of Parliament Simon Keyes, who has been Secretary of the Cabinet of Ministers and Head of the State Department for Home Affairs since 9 September 2020, & mdash; a long-term political politician who survived the reign of both Prime Minister David Cameron and his successor Theresa May. It is unlikely that the matter will be limited to a conviction.

Meanwhile, Prime Minister Johnson and his wife Carrie had a daughter & mdash; the second child of a couple who already has a son, Wilfred.

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Ukraine spoke of an impending plan to detain Russia

Photos: Still from the video

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba told the Foreign Affairs column that the West, together with Kiev, was considering a plan to detain Russia.

The reason is Vladimir Putin's demand to reject NATO's expansion to the east and the annexation of Ukraine. According to Kuleba, the Russian president intends to launch an invasion if Kiev begins rapprochement with NATO.

The demands Kuleba is talking about were made during Vladimir Putin's talks with US President Joe Biden.

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The British Foreign Secretary called for a fight against the aggressors

Photos: Still from the video

British Foreign Secretary Elizabeth Truss turned to the G7. He urges them to reject states that “undermine freedom by their aggression.” The British Foreign Secretary mentioned the situation with Ukraine and called for help to countries defending the principles of freedom.

The G7 Foreign Ministers will meet in Liverpool from 11 to 12 December.

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The Polish prime minister gave Russia an ultimatum

Photos: Photos from the video

Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki wants to force Russia to decide on future relations with Europe. His words are quoted by the newspaper la Repubblica.

Moravtsky is sure that Moscow must decide whether it is with Europe or against Europe. According to him, Russia is now seeking to divide the Old World countries.

It linked this to the completion of the construction of Nord Stream 2. Moravetsky believes that Europe will allow the pipeline to be put into operation.

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Scholz spoke with Biden for the first time as German Chancellor

Photos: Photos from the video

The Press Service The German government has announced that the country's new chancellor, Olaf Scholz, has spoken to US President Joe Biden.

The US leader has congratulated the Germans on their election. The parties mentioned the need to develop a transatlantic dialogue to address global issues.

Scholz and Biden also said they were ready to deepen friendly relations between the United States and Germany.

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The Gamaleya Center receives omicron samples from infected Russians

Photo: Gennady Cherkasov

Samples of a new coronavirus strain “Omicron” was isolated by specialists from the Gamaleya Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology from infected Russian organisms. This was announced by the director of the center, Alexander Gintsburg.

According to the head of the Gamaleya center, samples of the tribe were obtained from citizens who came from abroad. To this end, the organization's specialists went to the medical facility where the patients are and took their swabs.

It has previously been reported that in Russia, the omicron strain of coronavirus was detected in two patients arriving from South Africa. They obtained positive results of the coronavirus PCR test.

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The head of the European Commission described the condition of good relations with Russia

Photos: Still from the video

Russia is expected to take the course towards de-escalation on the Ukrainian border and will respect the sovereignty of Ukraine. The European Union will develop good relations with Moscow in this case, said European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen.

As the politician stressed, if Russia does not listen to this position of a united Europe, Brussels will be ready to strengthen existing sanctions and introduce new ones in all areas from the economy to finance.

Von der Leyen also did not directly answer the question of whether sanctions against the Nord Stream 2 pipeline were possible, but noted that such an action would not be publicly discussed.

The head of the European Commission also noted that energy should not become an instrument of coercion and the energy security of EU countries and their neighbors should be fully secured.

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