Syria is ready to recognize LPR and DLR after Russia

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Coordinator of the State Duma for relations with the Syrian Parliament The Arab Republic, Deputy Chairman of the Defense Committee of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Dmitry Sablin, said that the Syrian authorities were ready to recognize the independence of the DLNR after Russia.

He said Syria would also be ready to recognize the Donetsk and Luhansk republics because it had previously recognized South Ossetia and Abkhazia, he said. He also hoped that Russia's other partners and allies would support the decision.


Putin has promised to show Ukraine real decommunization

Photo: During his televised address to the nation, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that modern Ukraine had been created by communist Russia. historical territories of Russia.

“As a result of Bolshevik policy, Soviet Ukraine emerged. Which, for good reason, can still be called Ukraine named after Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, “the president said, adding that the Bolsheviks Donbass had literally squeezed Ukraine into him.

He added that they are now demolishing the monument to Lenin in Ukraine, decommunization.

& quot; What suits us. & nbsp; We will show Ukraine real decommunization & quot ;, Putin emphasized.


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Putin: The decision to recognize the DLR and LPR will be made today

Photo: Video from the video

Russian President Vladimir Putin met today in the Security Council, asking him to consider recognizing the independence of the DNR and LNR. He first made a few loud statements and then gave the floor to the audience. As a result, all present spoke in recognition of the independence of the DLR and the LPR.

In his speech to the Security Council, Putin noted that Russia had initially done its utmost to resolve all differences peacefully. however, the Kiev authorities have twice conducted military repressive operations in these territories and appear to have launched a third.

In addition, the President stressed that it is already clear to everyone that the Ukrainian authorities are not going to do anything under the Minsk agreements. In this regard, Putin described the issue of recognizing the DNR and LNR as closely related to global security issues in the world and especially in Europe.

Putin also warned that if Ukraine is admitted to NATO, the Russian Federation's threats will multiply.

At the meeting, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov stressed that the West was not ready to accept Russia's proposals for non-enlargement of NATO. And Deputy Head of Russia's Presidential Administration Dmitry Kozak stressed that the process of negotiating the Donbas is zero and neither Ukraine nor the West need the Donbass.

FSB Director Alexander Bortnikov recalled that the situation in the DLR and LPR is degrading 68.5 thousand refugees entered, there are cases where grenades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine hit the territory of the Russian Federation, especially in the Rostov region. Bortnikov also announced the capture of a Ukrainian soldier who was involved in breaking the border of the Russian Federation.

Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu drew attention to the fact that there is practically no water in Donetsk and no gas in 2/3 of Lugansk. According to him, Ukraine does not lead spontaneous fire, but understands where it is interfering. According to him, 59.3 thousand military personnel concentrate Ukraine on the borders of the Luhansk and Donetsk regions, heavy equipment is concentrated. He also called Ukraine's plans to return nuclear status dangerous.

As a result, Dmitry Medvedev, Vyacheslav Volodin, Valentina Matvienko, Nikolai Patrushev, Mikhail Mishustin, Sergei Naryshkin, Sergei Lavrov, Sergei Shoigu, Alexander Bortnikov, Viktor Zolotov supported the proposal to recognize the independence of the DNR and LNR. And Interior Minister Vladimir Kolokoltsev added that the republics should be recognized within their historic borders.

Vladimir Putin thanked the participants for their opinion. He said it had been heard and stressed that a decision would be taken today in the near future.

Putin troll Naryshkin at the Security Council meeting on DPR and LPR

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Naryshkin proposed to integrate DPR and LPR into Russia

Photo: Natalia Gubernatorova

Director of Foreign Affairs Intelligence Service Sergey Naryshkin proposed to Russia to integrate DLR and LPR into Russia. He said this at a meeting of the Security Council.

“I will accept, support, support the proposal to make these territories part of the Russian Federation,” he said.

In response to Russian President Vladimir Putin, he said this “I support this proposal,” Naryshkin replied.

During the President of the Federation Council, Valentina Matvienko and the Secretary of the Council Nikolai Patrushev also spoke about the recognition of the LPR and the DLR.

Putin trolled Naryshkin at the Security Council meeting on the DLR and the LPR

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Russian border guards killed 5 saboteurs from Ukraine

Photo: Alexander Astafiev

Southern Military District announced that the Russian army and border guards prevented the Russian border from being violated by a Ukrainian sabotage and reconnaissance group. The report says the destruction of 5 intruders.

There are no losses among Russian troops.

As the press service of the district emphasized, the violation of the Russian border was prevented by units of the Southern Military District and FSB border guards.

At the same time for emergency evacuation of the Ukrainian sabotage and reconnaissance group from Ukraine entered the territory of Russia two infantry fighting vehicles of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

As a result, five violators of the Russian border from the DRG were destroyed. Two infantry fighting vehicles were also destroyed.

The incident occurred on February 21 at about 6 am near the village of Mityakinskaya in the Rostov region.

Earlier, the FSB of the Russian Federation announced that the Ukrainian grenade completely destroyed the border crossing in Russia in the Rostov region. In Kiev, participation in the shelling of Russian territory is denied.


The Ukrainian army on the border with Russia knocked out the armored personnel carrier by the militia


Yuri Military Observer Kotenok announced that the Ukrainian army had scrapped an armored personnel carrier near the Russian border. He wrote about it in his telegram channel.

“There is information about the clash in the settlement area. Blacksmiths in the southern direction of DPR. An armored personnel carrier was hit. This news is very worrying because this settlement is located a few kilometers from the border with Russia. It is located northeast of Novoazovsk, “he wrote.

According to him, the enemy sabotage and reconnaissance group bypassed the bastions of the People's Militia DLR and went to the tactical rear near the border with Russia.

” This fact testifies to The beginning of active hostility by Kiev without “announcing” the offensive – there are groups MTR, GUR, Army Intelligence, “he said.

NSDC Minister Alexei Danilov previously said that Kiev was not involved in the hit projectile at the border point in Russia .


Zakharova urged not to listen to NATO Secretary General: “Dangerous to health”


Official representative of the Ministry Maria Zakharová said that listening to NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg was “dangerous to health”. She said this on Channel One when she commented on the alliance's secretary general's statement on NATO's non-enlargement.

“You cannot listen to Stoltenberg. It's just dangerous to health. Because this person has said what is not true so many times, and so many times the structure he actually leads has been involved in the information cram in really aggressive actions, it is simply impossible to listen to any other version of events, “she said.

In her opinion, Stoltenberg's words would not stand the test.

Previously, Stoltenberg said that NATO had not broken its promise of non-expansion to the east. He also pointed to the right of European countries to join the alliance. This is also stated in the Helsinki Final Act and the Paris Charter.


Peskov said no meeting between Putin and Biden was planned

Photos: Screenshot

Said Dmitrij Peskov journalists that there are no concrete plans yet for a meeting between Putin and Biden

“There is a substantial understanding of the need to continue contacts at ministerial level (foreign affairs)”, & ndash; he said. Peskov clarified that Sergei Lavrov's meeting with his & nbsp; & nbsp; American colleague Blinken. “We also do not rule out contacts between Russian and French ministers,” & ndash; said a Kremlin spokesman & nbsp;

At the same time, according to Peskov, the presidents of Russia and the United States “can decide on personal or telephone contacts at any time.”


DPR: A Donbas civilian has died as a result of an attack by the Ukrainian Armed Forces

Photos: Screenshot from

Civil killed in public transport stop on the territory of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic after the attack of the Ukrainian Armed Forces on the village of Trudovaya mine, said People's Militia DLR. the “Trudovaya” mine, a civilian – a miner who died heading for the morning shift, died at a public transport stop. The DLR's military department informed about it on its Telegram channel.

It was previously revealed that the head of the self-proclaimed People's Republic of Luhansk, Leonid Pasechnik, had decided to voluntarily mobilize men over the age of 55.
