The DLR announced shelling of the Dokuchaevsk Armed Forces

Photos: Photos from the video

Ukrainian Armed Forces shelled Dokuchaevsk in the Donetsk People's Republic. This was stated by the People's Republic of Donetsk in the Joint Center for the Control and Coordination of the Ceasefire Regime (JCCC). A total of 7 mm 120 mm caliber was fired, the JCCC informed.

DLR officials have previously reported many shelling by Ukrainian formations. The evacuation of the civilian population from the Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics to the territory of the Russian Federation continues. In total, about 100,000 people were evacuated, including 30,000 children.


Putin has appointed those responsible for the assassination of DLR's first chief, Zacharchenko

As regards the Minsk agreements, the Russian President Vladimir Putin recalled that they were once signed by DLR and LPR leaders. One of them, Alexander Zacharchenko, was later killed in a bomb attack at the Separ cafe in Donetsk.

The Russian president called the tragedy a terrorist attack.

“The first head of the DLR, Alexander Zacharchenko, was killed in 2018 as an employee of special services of Ukraine. It was a direct political assassination, “Putin emphasized.

In August 2018, after Zacharchenko's death, the Russian president said that forces that chose intimidation and violence would not seek a political solution. conflict in eastern Ukraine.

At a press conference, Vladimir Putin proposed that the head of Ukraine, Vladimir Zelensky, recognize Crimea as Russian and leave NATO. In his opinion, only in this case will Kiev be able to normalize the situation and restore normal relations with Moscow.


The Federation Council received a call from Putin to use the army abroad

Vladimir Putin. Photo:

Russian President Vladimir Putin has asked the Federation Council for permission to use the army abroad.

This was announced by the President of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko.

According to her, the appeal has already been delivered today and will be openly discussed. According to her, the committee has already dealt with this appeal.


“Pay 2,000 euros”: Medvedev responded to the shutdown of Nord Stream 2

Dmitry Medvedev. Photo: Natalia Gubernatorova

Dmitry Medvedev, chairman of the Russian Federation's Security Council, replied to German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, who said today that he had ordered the suspension of Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline certification. >

& quot; Welcome to the New World, ”Medvedev wrote.

The Deputy Head of the Security Council of the Russian Federation added that Europeans would soon pay 2,000 euros per thousand cubic meters of gas in this world.

Recall that the United Kingdom has imposed a whole package of financial sanctions on Russia.


Johnson imposed anti-Russian sanctions: Timchenko's and Rotenberg's assets were frozen

Boris Johnson. Photo:

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has announced that London is imposing new sanctions on Moscow to recognize the independence of the DLR and LPR.

In particular, Britain has decided to freeze the assets of Russian businessmen Gennady Timchenko and the Rotenberg brothers. They will also be barred from entering the UK.

Britain will freeze Rossiya Bank's assets as well as PJSC Promsvyazbank's assets.

Sanctions will also be imposed on Genbank, the Black Sea Development and Reconstruction Bank, Industrial savings bank. It is expected to freeze its assets.

At the same time, Boris Johnson noted that the United Kingdom will continue to seek a diplomatic solution to the Ukrainian crisis.


Peskov: DPR and LPR are recognized within their declared limits

Photo: Natalia Gubernatorova

Said Dmitrij Peskov Russia recognizes the DLR and LPR within their proclaimed borders. Asked if it meant talking about the borders of the regions, he said he had nothing more to say.

“Within the borders where & nbsp; they have been declared and exist”, & mdash; & nbsp; he said. & nbsp;

In fact, this means that republics are recognized within “old” borders that are 70% larger than the territories they are actually occupying, & mdash; the rest is de facto under Ukrainian control.

The LPR has already stated that the republic will call on Ukraine to withdraw troops from the “occupied territories” voluntarily, and if this does not happen, then “it will be decided to implement and territorial integrity & nbsp;


The British edition called on Russia to “impoverish millions of people”

The British edition of The Times in the editorial called for imposition of serious sanctions against Russia after recognition of the independence of the DLR and LPR.

In the article, the authors write that Russia treats Ukraine “like the older brother of a hooligan”. Journalists refer to last year's article by President Vladimir Putin, which refers to the proximity of the two countries.

soldier and approved the mobilization of men of military age in two pro-Russian regions that broke away from Ukraine, “& mdash; & nbsp; says in the article.

The authors urged “strengthening with determination” all the words about the unprecedented sanctions uttered by Western leaders. “Criminal measures” should be even tougher than in 2014, as Russia has since taken steps to make it more immune to sanctions.

Newspapers call for sanctions to target Putin's circle, to freeze their assets in the UK and send them home to their children who are studying at British private schools. The authors also believe that Russia should be deprived of access to Western microcircuits used in consumer electronics and military installations.

sanctions such as blocking SWIFT and leaving Nord Stream 2 because Europe is on the brink of serious conflict.

Strict sanctions will make Russia an outcast and lead to the impoverishment of millions, the editor writes. They said it was tragic, but it was also “the only way for the world community to put pressure on Putin” because it would lead to popular uprisings.


The OSCE confirms violations of international humanitarian law by Ukrainian security forces


In the People & The LPR police reported that the OSCE mission confirmed the violation of international humanitarian law by the Ukrainian army, which shelled the residential buildings.

“According to a report of 21 February 2022, the OSCE mission confirmed the violation of international humanitarian law by Ukrainian militants. Experts noted damage to residential buildings and industrial areas in the village of Nikolaevka. The fire was fired from 122 mm cannons, “said the social media department.

People's militias added, among other things, that the Ukrainian armed forces are obstructing the work of OSCE observers. Using special equipment, they suppressed the signal of the OSCE's UAV control channel in the area of ​​the village of Stanytsia Luhanska, so that specialists could not survey the area and detect military equipment.


Beijing says it is a mistake to use Taiwan to detain China


Washington's desire to use Taiwan, to contain China is a mistake. The new US strategy in the India-Pacific region opens up a challenge for Beijing.

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said this in a telephone interview with US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken

“US attempt to include the use of Taiwan “China's diplomat also noted that the new Indo-Pacific strategy, recently introduced by Washington, Beijing, is “In addition, the attempt to incorporate the principle of China's detention through Taiwan into the United States' regional strategy is a false signal of China's detention and repression,” Wang Yi quoted TASS.

After the US administration approved a $ 100 million agreement with Taiwan to maintain the Patriot air defense system, China authorized the US companies Lockheed Martin and Raytheon Technologies.


CNN: Russia is sending troops to Donbass

Military exercises in Russia. Source: Russian Ministry of Defense

After Vladimir Putin signed a decree recognizing the DLR and LPR by Russia, a senior US official said, referring to CNN, that the US expected Russian troops to enter the Donbas “tonight or tomorrow” . At the moment, there is no evidence of the entry of the Russian army. the right to build military bases on the territory of the signatory countries. The documents are due to be ratified by the Russian parliament on February 22.

The White House on Tuesday announced new “serious” sanctions against Russia, the content of which is not yet clear. So far, Biden has signed a decree banning Americans from investing and trading in DPR and LPR. she is ready for them. Medvedev even quoted Bulgakov in the spirit that sooner or later the situation would come to an end, and then the Western powers themselves would come to us and give everything themselves.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky promised to speak out to the nation, journalists gathered – and they soon dissolved. Of course, the President of Ukraine consults closely with Western curators.

Faces of Russian politicians on the recognition of DLR and LPR: dramatic footage

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