The expert spoke of the most terrible weapon of the special operation

“Massive use of fire extinguishers”

During the operation, our units used, among other things, heavy flamethrower systems to force the surrender of Azovstal prisoners. The effect is obvious. In Kiev, it was described as the most powerful weapon after the nuclear. The expert spoke about the main flamethrower systems of the Russian army.

TOS-1A “Sun”. Photo: Vitaly V. Kuzmin

Together with artillery and multiple launch missile systems, flamethrowers can significantly reduce personnel losses in attacks on fortified areas and also in the destruction of boilers falling into the armed forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU). Viktor Murachovsky, a military expert and editor-in-chief of Arsenal of the Fatherland, spoke about Russia's flamethrower systems.

As he recalled in his TG-channel, flamethrower-incendiary weapons are in the arsenal of the Radiation, Chemical and Biological Defense Forces (RCBZ). These include, in particular, the means of massive use of firearms, transport combat vehicles, infantry flamethrowers, including jet and offensive for urban combat.

In 2003, the heavy flamethrower system TOS-1A was put into operation. In 2007, it received unguided missiles with new combat equipment, which made it possible to increase the area and effectiveness of the harmful effect.

In 2020, a new heavy flamethrower system TOS-2 “Tosochka” was deployed. into service. The launcher is designed for 18 charges. It is proposed to develop a cluster thermobaric unguided missile with increased range and an increased target destruction zone for the TOS-2.

According to Murachovsky, a subsystem of infantry flamethrowers is also in demand. These are reactive infantry flamethrowers RPO-A, RPO-Z and RPO-D “Shmel” and reactive infantry flamethrowers PDM-A “Priz”.

RPO-A in thermobaric armament is designed to destroy covered and open up enemy manpower and lightly armored vehicles.

Incendiary RPO-Z and smoke RPO-D are used to create fires, blind enemy firing points and create unbearable conditions to keep the manpower without respiratory protection.

“PDM-A” Priz “can rightly be considered as a representative of the new generation of flamethrowers and incendiary weapons, “notes Murakhovsky. – It should be noted in particular that as the weight of the firearm increased from 2 to 3 kg compared to the RPO-A, the total weight of the flamethrower decreased by 3 kg.

Urban combat (attack) flamethrowers include a small MRO -A MRO-Z, MRO-D, LPO-97 Light Infantry Flamethrower and SPO Infantry Flamethrower. The LPO-97 Light Infantry Flamethrower is therefore designed to destroy firing points, defeat manpower and vehicles. It can be used for shooting indoors and on stairs. There are 16 shots in ammunition, four of them in the flamethrower.

With the help of the SPO infantry jet flamethrower, you can destroy fire points, hit manpower and also create fires. The design feature of the flamethrower is that the fire mixture, ignited in the barrel of the products of the combustion of the powder ejector, is delivered to the target in an open form, in a metal reinforcing mesh.


Peskov indicated Putin's dissatisfaction with Yeltsin's center

Dmitrij Peskov commented on the film's statements director Nikita Mikhalkov , asked to recognize the “Yeltsin Center” foreign agent. “That's not fair. Why is Mr. (Aleksey) Venediktov (ex-editor-in-chief of Echo Moscow” MK “) declared a foreign agent and the Yeltsin Center & ndash; no? Is the” Yeltsin Center “harming less than Ekho Moscow? said the director. & nbsp;

According to a Kremlin spokesman, Russian legislation has clear criteria for notifying & nbsp; & nbsp; a foreign agent. & nbsp; & nbsp;

In response to a question from Vladimir Putin relation to the activities of the Yeltsin Center, his press secretary avoided direct answers.

He recalled that at one time the President visited the “Yeltsin Center” ) Recently, however, “some episodes of the center's work,” according to Peskov, “have provoked widespread controversy in society,” a Kremlin spokesman summed up.


Publicist American Thinker says Putin has taken a step that means defeating Europe

Photo: Global Look Press

President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin has found alternative markets for Russian oil and gas supplies in Asia, while Europe is experiencing economic losses. American thinker publicist Jerome Corsi reported in his publication.

“India and China represent a great and growing opportunity for the export of Russian hydrocarbon fuels,” the article reads. The publication also notes that all anti-Russian sanctions imposed on Western hydrocarbons by Western countries and the United States are affecting themselves and pushing the West to another round of destructive stagflation.

Based on his material, Jerome Corsi concluded that The Russian Federation will defeat the European Union because Russia has gained an advantage over a weak and divided union.


The Ukrainian army encountered a DLR fighter, whom he tried to kill

The fighter of the People's Republic of Donetsk miraculously survived ( DPR)) met his “executioner” who tried to kill him with a knife. He inflicted six stab wounds.

The killer is said to have been a Ukrainian soldier from the 36th Marine Brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. The meeting with his victim took place when the Ukrainians were captured by Russia. It should be noted that the Ukrainian army pierced the head of the DLR fighter and hit the brain, and the neck, back and chest were also cut.

“I went inside, stabbed him six times and left. The body was removed the next day, they said it was dead & ndash; Look to the right. Remember? & ndash; I remember & ndash; God is your judge & mdassh; & nbsp; You cut him? & mdash; & nbsp; Yes & laquo ;, & mdash; The Ukrainian army said in an interview with one of the DLR fighters.

Doctors said it was a complete miracle that a person would survive such injuries.


Zaporozhye authorities: Melitopol has become the temporary capital of the region


Member of the General Board The military-civil administration of the Zaporozhye region Vladimir Rogov said that the city of Melitopol had in fact become the temporary capital of the liberated part of the region.

According to him, Melitopol will be the temporary capital of the region until the liberation of the city of Zaporozhye.

< "It is the largest city, which is very well located in terms of logistics. Melitopol is located between two other relatively large and important cities - Energodar and Berdyansk, "Rogov added.

He specified that Energodar is the main energy center of the Zaporozhye region. There is a nuclear power plant in it. Berdyansk, in turn, is the region's naval gate.

Recall that it was previously announced that two-thirds of the Zaporozhye region had been liberated from the Ukrainian army. However, the city of Zaporozhye is currently under the control of the Kiev regime.


MP: Eastern European countries have become the cause of anti-Russian rhetoric in the EU


MEP Thierry Mariani, representing the interests of the French National Assembly, told Valeurs Actuelles that the European Union had taken an anti-Russian stance under the influence of Eastern European countries.

He said . As a result, the EU has come under the influence of its new members.

“As a result, Brussels has become dependent on its new members. The EU leadership has begun to follow the policies of countries that have historically condemned themselves to enmity with Russia. This attitude of EU officials became one of the reasons why the Russian Federation conducted a special military operation in Ukraine, “said Mariani.

He specified that if the EU took a different position, then it would mean a break. “Conflict in Ukraine would most likely not happen,” Mariani added.


DPR authorities: The Ukrainian armed forces set fire to tons of grain in the port of Mariupol

DLR chief adviser Yan Gagin said the Ukrainian armed forces had set fire to the grain in the warehouses of the seaport of Mariupol. The fire was not saved, the grain was gone.


DLR chief adviser Yan Gagin said Ukraine's armed forces had set fire to the grain that was in Mariupol's seaport warehouses. It was not possible to save him during the fire, the grain was gone.

He specified that the Ukrainian soldiers set fire to the granary during the retreat.

“Currently, a large amount of grain is located in the port of Mariupol. Judging by its appearance and smell, it is completely unusable. During the retreat, the enemy set fire to the area where the grain was stored. So the Armed Forces of Ukraine wanted the DPR not to get it, so that the grain could not be used. The fire was extinguished for several days, but without success, “added Gagin.

According to him, we are talking about tons of grain. Even after the fire, this grain cannot be used as feed for livestock. According to, the Mariupol port's storage facility hit 57,000 tonnes at full capacity in 2019.

Recall that former UN officials have repeatedly spoken of the threat of a food crisis due to a shortage of grain. Western countries in particular have often accused Russia of obstructing grain supplies from Ukraine, while Russia has denied all allegations.


Zacharova talked about the closed skies for Lavrov around Serbia

photos of the Russian Foreign Ministry

Russian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Maria Zakharova evaluated the decision of the authorities of Bulgaria, Montenegro and North Macedonia to close the sky due to the flight of Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov.

According to her, Western countries have taken another step to block communication channels with our country.

< "The Russian delegation was to arrive in Belgrade for talks. EU and NATO member states closed the airspace, closed another communication channel ... There will be no Iron Curtain from Russia. It is the EU that surrounds the Russian Federation," said the diplomat.


British Conservatives may one day express Johnson's distrust


Jak bylo bylo According to informed sources, members of the British Conservative Party can vote on the issue of distrust of Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Wednesday, June 8.

By law, the number of party members who are dissatisfied with its leader must be at least 15%. 67 conservatives have already voted in favor of Johnson's resignation, sources say. The prime minister is accused of downing street parties during a period of severe coronavirus restrictions.


Vučič will address the citizens of Serbia on June 6 in connection with the cancellation of Lavrov's visit

Photo: Global Look Press

In connection with the cancellation of the visit of the Minister of Foreign Affairs Russia's Sergei Lavrov in Serbia, the president of the republic will speak to citizens on June 6 at 19:30 (20:30 Moscow time). introduced by Bulgaria, Northern Macedonia and Montenegro.

Earlier, it became clear that President Aleksandar Vučić had personally addressed the issue of logistics for the Russian minister. He condemned the problem with US and EU officials.

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic has previously described the situation as very difficult. She said German Chancellor Olaf Scholz was due to fly to Belgrade on June 10.
