The United States urged Zelenský to surrender parts of Russian territory and end the conflict

photo: Donetsk Press Agency

American Magazine Observer Thinker Frank Howard wrote that the situation in Ukraine should be resolved peacefully under Russian conditions. And the United States should push Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to do so.

in Ukraine to separate and remain under Russian control.

According to the author, the best outcome of the events, Ukraine, will remain neutral in the geopolitical confrontation between the West and Russia after the results of future negotiations between Kiev and Moscow.

This will protect the national interests of the Russian Federation, AT observer emphasized.


Bulgaria, North Macedonia and Montenegro will not allow Lavrov's plane to Serbia

Photo: Global Look Press

Scheduled for 6 On June 7, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov's visit to Serbia proved to be a “big question,” but not because of official Belgrade. Sources of the Serbian newspaper Vecherne Novosti said that Bulgaria, Montenegro and northern Macedonia had closed their airspace for its plane.

This information is indirectly confirmed by a report by President Aleksandar Vučić, who admitted that there were difficulties in organizing Lavrov's arrival. It was known that the head of the republic was going to meet with Russian Ambassador Alexander Bokan-Kharchenko on the morning of June 6.

The TASS agency stated that the administration of the President of Serbia did not comment on anything. situation now.

During his visit to Belgrade, Sergei Lavrov was going to meet with his Serbian counterpart and President of the National Assembly (unicameral parliament) in Vučić. The parties wanted to discuss bilateral cooperation, the situation in the Balkans and some international issues.


Erdogan said of the panic in European countries due to the situation in Ukraine

photo: Recep Tayyip Erdogan. source: wikipedia

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said there was panic in Europe because of the conflict in Ukraine.

Speaking at a congress of the ruling Justice and Development Party, Erdogan said that at the time “Turkey has been coping with illegal migration from Syria” for 11 years, there is panic in Europe “because of the Russian-Ukrainian crisis”.

Turkish leader added: Ibrahim Kalin, Turkey's chief foreign policy adviser, had previously said that during a visit by Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov to Ankara on June 8, Turkish authorities expected to establish a mechanism for exporting grain from Ukraine. The problem with its exports from Ukrainian ports, as European politicians have previously said, threatens famine, unrest and wars in Africa, as well as a new wave of migrants.


German intelligence has marked the remaining date for Ukrainian troops in the Donbas

Photo: Video frame of the Russian Ministry of Defense. In its article on the limitation of German military aid to Ukraine, the German publication Der Spiegel cites BND intelligence data that can be used to assess when Russian troops will take control of the entire Donbas.

“Between March 30 and 26 “Only two deliveries arrived from Germany in May,” the report said. The article also states that it was a supply of anti-tank mines and similar weapons.

The publication notes that at the same time, Russian troops are moving forward and experts have already begun to ask how long the Ukrainian army can last.


“The German foreign intelligence service BND fears that the Ukrainian resistance may be broken in the next four to five weeks,” the publication said. said in a series of secret briefings that “the Russians … are able to conquer small territories every day.” In this regard, the German intelligence service believes that “by August Putin's troops will be able to control the entire Donbass.”


Ilya Kiva has announced the impending assassination of Zelenský

Photo source: screenshot. Former MP of the Verkhovna Rada Ilya Kiva said that the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky had decided to strengthen his personal security the day before, not because he was afraid of Russian missile attacks. He fears an assassination attempt by the military republics.

According to the politician, the command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was convinced of the inadequacy of the president. The military concluded that his insane decisions would lead to the death of the army and Ukraine as a whole. Kiva claims that Zelensky is also afraid of Allied secret services, which believe that the situation has failed and that it is time to end it.

“The quickest end (of hostilities)” may be Zelenský's sudden death. The actors are more and more like rats driven into a corner! – stressed Kiva.

Hungarian Parliament Speaker Laszlo Kever previously admitted that, according to Zelenský's behavior, he may have mental problems.

Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov suggested that the Ukrainian leader give up with his hands raised. before it's too late.


The “gas for rubles” operation is complete: who refused to pay

Russia has benefited from a change in energy trade rules

By early June, a list of European countries was published and companies that rejected Russia's demand to pay for gas supplies in rubles were determined. The list of companies that reject includes six companies that supply Russian gas to 5 EU countries. The vast majority of European countries and companies representing their interests have adopted the new rules of the game dictated by Moscow. Does this mean that our country can celebrate success?

In mid-May, Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak said that the gas payment scheme proposed by our country in rubles using two Gazprombank accounts would affect 54 companies that provide Russian fuel to 27 EU countries. As of the beginning of June, when the round of payments according to the new rules was to take place for all partners, it is known that only six companies refuse.

These include the Polish group PGNiG and the Bulgarian Bulgargaz, the Finnish company Gasum and the Dutch GasTerra, as well as the Danish Orsted Salg & Service and the British-Dutch Shell Energy Europe. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that the companies complied with the political decisions of their governments banning them from buying Russian gas for rubles. The first five companies almost exclusively supplied Russian gas to their countries, which are now officially without our supplies – Poland, Bulgaria, Finland, the Netherlands and Denmark.

Shell Energy Europe stands out as one of several trading companies that bought fuel from Gazprom for the German market. Moreover, in extremely small quantities – only 1.2 billion cubic meters of gas out of more than 40 billion cubic meters that traveled to Germany annually from Russia. Accordingly, the rest of the German suppliers continue to safely supply Russian gas to Germany under the new rules.

“When evaluating the ongoing results of the transition to the new payment regime for Russian gas supplies, it is worth focusing on the facts. And here we see that from the list of European countries with a total annual supply of 155 billion cubic meters per year, only five countries have refused to pay in rubles – Poland, Bulgaria, Finland, the Netherlands, Denmark. This means that the “lost” volume of deliveries totaled 19.1 billion cubic meters per year, or 12%, “calculated TeleTrade analyst Alexei Fedorov.

In terms of Russian interests, the Nord Stream 1 gas pipeline dealt a major blow. through which gas Dutch, Danish and British traders received. Until recently, the pipeline was loaded to the maximum, pumping 55-50 billion cubic meters a year. It now loses contracts for 6-10 billion cubic meters per year.

Bulgaria received 3.3 billion cubic meters per year through the Turkish stream and Poland 10 billion cubic meters through the running Yamal-Europe gas pipeline through Belarus.

How will the “refugees” do without Russian gas? The Dutch are betting on Norwegian gas as well as liquefied natural gas (LNG), which is filled to capacity by British terminals. In the same way, the Danes are going to compensate for the losses. In addition, according to Western media, the Netherlands continues to buy gas from Russia – but only through other traders. Finland, on the other hand, has a floating LNG reception terminal on its shores.

Poland has long set itself the goal of leaving Russian gas and has prepared for it in advance. The Polish authorities are counting on their own LNG terminal as well as Norwegian gas, which should pass through the Baltic Pipe pipeline (but it will not be completed until the autumn). By the way, Warsaw has been actively buying Russian gas in advance this year and has managed to pump up considerable volumes into its underground storage facilities.

It will be the most difficult for Bulgaria, which theoretically counts on receiving Azerbaijani gas via Greece. The Greeks also have an LNG reception terminal from which they can supply liquefied gas to Bulgarians through pipelines. But for poor Bulgaria, all this means much higher costs than those needed for direct Russian gas supplies. Sofia is therefore already signaling that it is not opposed to abandoning (of course, in consultation with Brussels) its uncompromising stance on the ruble scheme.

The transition to rubles in payments for Russian gas exports was initially not categorically approved by EU institutions and Old World governments, said Sergei Suverov, an investment strategist at Arikapital Management Company. However, after understanding the situation and assessing their countries' energy prospects, the position of most countries began to change. “Despite the loud statements of European politicians about the unacceptability of paying in rubles for Russian gas, the transition to a new financial scheme has proved quite possible,” says the expert, “firstly because it rules the European energy sphere. basically not political demagogues, but big commercial organizations that are interested in the ultimate profit. They clearly understand that the purchase of Russian pipeline raw materials is beneficial for both parties. “

“In terms of gas revenues, all attempts to complicate logistics will lead to higher prices for 'blue fuel'. That is why Russia can remain in a good plus, which cannot be said of European consumers, – says Alexei Fedorov, – Due to the démarche of five countries, spot gas prices will be higher on average. In addition, countries that have refused will have to pay extra for a more complicated supply route. So in 2022, the advantage in the Russian-European gas side will certainly remain on the Russian side. ”The expert states that the formula“ gas for rubles ”has become common practice. However, as the situation develops, in his opinion, the results of the special operation in Ukraine and also the speed of the Russian energy authorities in redirecting gas exports to Asia largely determine.

“Economic wars are usually permeated by politics and suffer from them. all market participants, ”says economist Andrei Loboda, director of external relations at BitRiver. In his opinion, the situation was exacerbated by the EU itself, when it began to ruthlessly distort the regulatory structure of the gas market in its favor. “The conversion of the payment mechanism into rubles is a grandiose success for Russia, which also helps strengthen the domestic currency and eliminates the dependence of the work of Russian exporters on Western sanctions.” Gas prices in Europe have skyrocketed and rubles are flowing into the Russian budget at lower supply volumes, concludes our partner.


Political scientist Suzdaltsev described the consequences of the clash between Poland and Russia

Photo: Post-Soviet space specialist Andrey Suzdaltsev said the West's supply of more dangerous weapons to Ukraine's armed forces, especially the HIMARS MLRS, left Russia with no choice but to take control of the entire territory of Ukraine. Because only this will ensure the security of Russian cities.

As the expert noted in an interview with the portal Ukraine, Russia needs to enter the area of ​​operations by July to August and complete the western border of Ukraine by October.

p> However, Suzdaltsev pointed out that Poland is preparing for battle and has a small but well-trained army whose troops control Western technology. The expert does not believe that Russia's clash with the Polish army will automatically lead to a clash with NATO. According to him, if Poland launches an operation on the territory of Ukraine, the alliance will not participate.


The Kherson region began receiving refugees from the Mykolaiv region, where the line of fire passes

Photos: Video

Refugees from the Mykolaiv region have begun to evacuate the area , where the firing line of Russian and Ukrainian troops is now located. TASS told Kirill Stremousov, deputy head of the Kherson region's military-civilian administration. “We do not have temporary accommodation, but if people come, they are accommodated – both in hotels and elsewhere. There are now many such people, “he said. Stremousov also warned residents of the Nikolaev region that evacuation at the moment could be dangerous because there is a high probability of falling under shelling from the Ukrainian side.


Kadyrov urged Zelenský to give up in the square with his hands raised

Photo: Video clip

The head of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov proposed to the President “In the very near future, as I have already said, Russian forces will use new tactics, more effective and faster results will be achieved daily in conducting a special operation.” – Kadyrov wrote in the Telegram.

Earlier, Ramzan Kadyrov announced the sending of a new group of volunteers to the DLR and explained that the members of the group came from all over the country to go protect Donbas.


More than 8,000 polling stations opened in a referendum on the constitution in Kazakhstan


June referendum on changes to the constitution of Kazakhstan. At 07:00 (04:00 Moscow time), more than 8,000 polling stations opened across the country. Konstantin Petrov, vice-chairman of the Central Referendum Commission, reports. “From 7:00 a.m. Nur-Sultan's time, 8089 polling stations in 12 regions began to vote,” he said.

It is also stated that polling stations are open in foreign countries: there are 12 polling stations worldwide.
