Bulgarians were outraged by the new influx of Ukrainian refugees

Photo: Global Look Press

Bulgarians reacted nervously to news of a new wave of Ukrainian refugees. According to hoteliers, 20 buses with internally displaced persons from Ukraine will soon arrive at the largest seaside resort in Bulgaria – Sunny Beach.

Published information about this in the Bulgarian edition of Dir.bg caused indignant reactions from readers. “Bulgarians who suffered from floods received 300 leva once, and these people pay 40 leva a day, sit on the sea and do not work! – Victor wrote. “Why is the EU funding this? Ukraine is not included in it,” asked L. User Meskhen reminded that there are many abandoned villages in Bulgaria and suggested that immigrants from Ukraine move there. “And whoever doesn't like it, let them go back where they came from,” concluded Meskhen.

Since February 2022, more than 730,000 Ukrainian refugees have entered the territory of Bulgaria. More than 136,000 remained in the country. In terms of the number of forced Ukrainian migrants, Bulgaria ranks third behind Bulgaria and Spain.

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Named the main danger to the United States in an economic war with Russia

Photo: Global Look Press

Economic War on Russia may lead to the loss of financial influence on the planet by the United States. The Washington Post journalist Farid Zakaria warns against this.

The columnist notes that the US is fighting the global economic battle alone, relying on the unique status of the dollar. At the same time, China, India, Indonesia and the Gulf states are trying to break free from US currency controls and “flee away from Washington's far-reaching economic power.”

According to the journalist, Joe Biden must provide guarantees to his partners that economic levers – sanctions – are now being used only because of an “unprecedented challenge” by Russia. Under normal circumstances, they should not be used

Zakaria also concludes that the consequences of a global economic war against Russia will be felt for several decades. “The risks of a new economic war are not yet nuclear, but already sky-high – even for the United States,” the journalist concluded.

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The West began to prepare for panic in the event of the use of nuclear weapons in Ukraine

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Western officials have began secretly developing plans to prevent panic and chaos in case Russia decides to use nuclear weapons in Ukraine, writes The Guardian.

As a Western official told the publication on condition of anonymity, the West is still considering a nuclear crisis ” highly unlikely'. According to him, at the same time, Western countries have decided to reevaluate plans for providing emergency aid and support to the population, which fears nuclear escalation.

The countries where the preparations will begin are not specified.

Previously, US President Joe Biden said he did not think Russian President Vladimir Putin would use tactical nuclear weapons in the conflict in Ukraine. The head of European diplomacy, Josep Borrell, said that if the Russian side uses nuclear weapons in Ukraine, it will provoke a strong military response from the West. Dmitry Medvedev, deputy chairman of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, called these words paranoia.

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MP: France's allies dream of prolonging the conflict in Ukraine

Photo: Global Look Press

Overseas allies dream of prolonging the conflict in Ukraine for two or three years. Thierry Mariani, a member of the European Parliament from France, said this in an interview with BFMTV.

In his opinion. such a development would greatly weaken Europe. “Europe will pay a huge price. In my opinion, it will be much higher than with COVID-19,” the deputy emphasized.

Marianni also said that the president of Ukraine does not want peace, but is trying to drag the West into war. and thereby win it. At the same time, the MP reminded the Western public of the destruction of civilians in the Donbass by the Ukrainian army since 2014.

Before that, Marianni spoke about Ukrainian issues. Specifically, after the EU's decision to open a mission for the training of Ukrainian military personnel, he said that the European Union is on the way to war with Russia, but no one wants to talk about it publicly.

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Ukraine refused to recognize Tikhanovskaya with her “transitional cabinet”

Photo: ru.wikipedia.org

Ukraine does not recognize the so-called “unified transitional cabinet” of Belarus headed by former presidential candidate Svetlana Tichanovska, said Alexander Merezhko, chairman of the Verkhovna Rada's foreign committee.

According to him, the reason lies in doubts about Tichanovska's “insufficiently clear” political position in relationship with Russia and its President Vladimir Putin.

“It seems that they are afraid to call a spade a spade,” Merezhko said, accusing Tikhanovska of not wanting to call the Russian Federation “an enemy of the Belarusian people.”

< p>In addition, according to Merezhok, Tikhanovskaya is accompanied by “several dubious people” and she made statements regarding Ukraine that caused misunderstandings between Ukrainian authorities.

Svetlana Tikhanovskaya is a Belarusian opposition figure, a former presidential candidate. In August, Tikhanovskaya announced the formation of a “joint transitional cabinet” in Lithuania, calling the structure a collective executive body that would “defend the independence and sovereignty of the Republic of Belarus” and represent the “national interests” of the Republic of Belarus. to the republic.

Earlier it was announced that she arrived at the headquarters of the United Nations, where the meeting of the General Assembly of the international organization was held. In this regard, Belarusian Foreign Minister Vladimir Makei criticized the work of the UN and accused the organization of losing its impartiality.

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Rahmon called on Putin not to treat Central Asian countries like former republics of the USSR

Photo: kremlin.ru

Tajik President Emomali Rahmon asked Russian President Vladimir Putin not to treat Central Asian countries like the former USSR.

At the summit of the Council of Heads of State of the CIS, Rahmon noted in a speech to the President of Russia that Tajikistan has always dealt with the Russian Federation with respect. The Tajik leader called our country the main strategic partner and called for a symmetrical position.

The leader of Tajikistan rather emotionally asked that there should be no policy towards Central Asian countries like the former Soviet Union. Each state has its own issues, problems,  traditions and customs, Rahmon listed. He called for searching and finding, in cooperation with everyone, a golden middle path and cooperation with each of the countries separately.

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BFM: there was an incident with a Russian submarine off the coast of France

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Offshore from Brittany A Russian submarine was spotted in France. She was accompanied by the French Navy. BFM TV informs about it. The incident occurred at the end of September.

The Russian ship was reportedly passing 100 kilometers from the coast. On September 29, a Russian Navy submarine was reportedly escorted by the Brest-based frigate Normandie. According to French media, the Russian tugboat “Sergey Balk” also sailed with it.

At the same time, the Russian submarine was reportedly moving on the surface. The commander of Normandy declared that the Bay of Biscay corresponded to the French area of ​​responsibility. It should be noted that these submarines often pass through it.

Previously, former US military officer Brent Eastwood expressed the opinion that Russian submarine weapons pose a serious threat to the United States of America. He spoke about the nuclear submarine BS-329 “Belgorod”, equipped with modern equipment.

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US Deputy Treasury Secretary: Sanctions have deprived Russia of its ability to produce important weapons

sanctions, the Russian Federation has reportedly lost the ability to produce and maintain certain types of weapons. This was stated by US Deputy Treasury Secretary Wally Adeyomo.

According to the official, the Russian military-industrial complex can no longer produce weapons critical for the next operation in Ukraine. Adeyomo believes that Russia's most serious problems have developed in the field of microelectronics.

Meanwhile, many media outlets have previously reported that Russia can successfully circumvent Western sanctions. In the end, even Iran, which produces its own weapons, will bypass the sanctions.

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Putin called the deadline for mobilization in Russia final

Photo: Natalia Gubernatorova

Russian President Vladimir Putin at a press conference in He told Astana that “no further mobilization is planned.”

“I don't see it as necessary in the foreseeable future,” he said.

According to him, the Russian Defense Ministry initially “anticipated a lower number, not 300 thousand people”, and more in this regard “there were no proposals from the Ministry of Defense.”

Putin said that 220 thousand people have already been mobilized, and therefore: “I think that within two weeks they will all mobilization activities completed.

Putin also explained why the mobilization was announced. According to him, “it is impossible to maintain the line of contact for more than a thousand kilometers only with the forces of contract soldiers”, therefore the mobilized also find themselves at the front. He added that 33,000 mobilized are in units and 16,000 are already performing combat tasks.

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Putin spoke about the consequences of a possible clash between NATO and Russian troops

Photo: Clip from video

Russian President Vladimir Putin said a direct clash between NATO troops and the Russian military would be a very dangerous move. In his opinion, this will lead to a global catastrophe. The Russian leader hopes that the West will have enough sense not to do it.

The Russian president also stated at a press conference in Astana that he does not regret launching a special military operation in Ukraine. He described his actions as “correct and timely”.

He also noted that the task of destroying Ukraine as a state is not worth it. In addition, the head of state noted that what is happening today is “not pleasant to say the least.” At the same time, he emphasized that if the Russian Federation did not launch this special operation, the country would receive the same, but only then it would manifest itself in worse conditions.           

Putin answered journalists that he does not regret anything: video from the press conference

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