The Ministry of Defense announced the death of 11 people in a terrorist attack on a training ground in the Belgorod region

Photo: Global Look Press

The Russian Federation Ministry of Defense announced that a terrorist attack took place on the training ground in the Western Military District in the Belgorod region. It was committed by two citizens of one of the CIS countries.

As a result of the shooting, 11 people were killed and 15 were injured. Some are in serious condition

“During fire training with volunteers preparing for a special operation, the terrorists fired small arms at the unit's personnel,” the agency said.

Both terrorists were killed by return fire. Law enforcement agencies are working at the scene of the attack.

See also: “The reason for Sweden's reluctance to share data on the Nord Stream attack”


Voenkor Sladkov: “Kherson gives reason for cautious optimism”

photo source: video screenshot

Military Commissar GTRK Alexander Sladkov said that the situation in Kherson gives reason for cautious optimism. According to him, one word can be omitted for the time being – defend yourself.

The armed forces of Ukraine formed a fist in this direction from two brigades and a tank battalion, flying detachments were used. But this tactic did not pay off. The Russian coalition managed to stop the offensive and make it difficult for the Armed Forces of Ukraine to retreat to the starting line. The military commissar also noted an improvement in the interaction of different types and branches of the troops.

Alexander Sladkov emphasized that the attacks were repelled by several groups at once, in the direction of Limansky and Zaporizhia.

“In my opinion, it is the first result of the reform of the command apparatus of the entire NWO. One leader, Serhiy Surovikin, one hand of control – and here you have a clear coordination of actions, “suggested the military commander.

Harsh total strikes on the entire military infrastructure of Ukraine also played their part. role. In his opinion, we can expect long-term positive results of the attack.

Sladkom recalled that the Ukrainian media reported on Kiev's intention to capture the right bank of the Dnieper and then attack Kherson. This bridgehead is equally inconvenient for the armed forces of Ukraine and the Russian coalition forces. But after such a well-coordinated work of artillery and aviation, the resilience of the ground forces, it is quite legitimate to be cautiously optimistic. complex. And winter is not cold there – no one has canceled the offensive yet. And in the cold, Europe will become more gutta-percha,” Sladkov emphasized.

See also: “Stremousov announced the complete failure of the offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Kherson region”


Stremousov announced the complete failure of the offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Kherson region

Kirill Stremousov. Photo: A still from the video.

Deputy head of the military-civilian administration of the Kherson region, Kirill Stremousov, made a new video, which he published on his Telegram channel, announcing the complete failure of the offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Recall that on Saturday morning he reported that Ukrainian troops had launched an offensive. According to him, one of the directions of the attack was the Dudčany-Berislav road.

“The Russian army completely repelled an attempt to break through in the Berislav direction of the Kherson region,” Stremousov said.< /p>

He added that the Ukrainian attack began at five o'clock in the morning with a massive fire of artillery and MLRS. And then, under fire, about 30 Ukrainian tanks and infantry fighting vehicles drove into the breach.

The Ukrainian army tried to break through the fortresses to cut the Dudčany-Melovoje road. However, artillery and mortar fire was launched on the advancing Ukrainian formations. In addition, army air helicopters worked on the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine using guided missiles.

Several mobile groups of the Ukrainian army managed to go deeper, but were “repelled by our ATGMs and grenade launchers,” Stremousov said.

He added that the Kherson region is under the full protection of the Russian army.


Satanovsky proposed how the USSR would react to the undermining of the Nord Stream

Photo: Gennady Cherkasov

According to political scientist Evgeny Satanovsky , it will still be necessary to complete the construction of a 160 kilometer gas pipeline to Germany. Too much money was spent on it.

He also imagined how Vladimir Lenin would react to the pipeline explosion. The expert admitted that he would write a brilliant polemical article, announced from an armored car, about the new phase of the world revolution. He would send Trotsky to raise the working class in the US and Germany.

Stalin would call in Zhukov and Beria, reoccupy Berlin, Warsaw, Tallinn, Riga and close the deal.

Khrushchev rushed, if the United States had a mega-bomb on its side, he would knock on the UN podium again and point missiles at Washington from Cuba.

Brezhnev would have long negotiations with the US. states after their failure in another war. Andropov would act covertly.

“Outwardly, nothing is happening, but in the end no one else sees the sanctions or their initiators, and they are still arguing about where they went,” Satanovsky wrote.

< p>Gorbachev would he would talk a lot of nonsense, star in another commercial, and once again destroy Russia in the image and likeness of the Soviet Union. Yeltsin would start a war against any region and declare bankruptcy.

Satanovsky suggested waiting to see what Vladimir Putin would do.

“Besides, this project is important to him. And he always completes important projects for him. There are sanctions, not sanctions,” the political scientist added.

See also: “The head of Finland's defense ministry announced the beginning of a new cold war”


A $10,000 reward was offered for the capture of Strelkov in Ukraine.

Photo: Social networks

Posts of former DPR defense Minister Igor Strelkov went to the front, aroused great interest of Ukrainian neo-Nazis.

As RT learned, the nationalists put a reward on him. In particular, the former head of the Odessa cell of the Right Sector association, which was banned in Russia for extremism, Sergey Sternenko, decided to allocate funds from his own pocket for his capture. “, he wrote on social networks.

Earlier it was reported that Strelkov went to one of the volunteer battalions in Donbass. According to unofficial data, he took the post of chief of staff or deputy battalion commander.


As a result of the strike on Kyiv, an important facility was destroyed

Photo: Gennady Cherkasov

National Energy Company of Ukraine Ukrenergo reported that critical infrastructure equipment was severely damaged as a result of Saturday morning's strike in the Kyiv region.

“Ukrenergo NPC specialists are already working to restore the reliability of energy supply to Kyiv and the central region,” the statement said. message .

At the same time, the company did not rule out that an emergency shutdown plan could be implemented.

Ukrainians are asked to save electricity from 17:00 to 23:00, turn off energy-consuming appliances, turn off unnecessary lighting, move laundry to night hours.

Energy experts promised to stabilize the situation

Head of the Kyiv Regional Military Administration Oleksiy Kuleba reported on his Telegram channel that one of the communities had been hit by a rocket. They were on the scene paramedics.


He assesses the current situation in Japan: “Something terrible will happen”

Submarine and Poseidon. Photo: Animation video frame.

Yahoo News Japan readers are actively commenting on the material in which the Japanese were told about the Russian nuclear submarine Poseidon.

The interest in this device is connected with the publication of the Italian media that the Russian nuclear submarine with Poseidon” on board she reportedly left the base. After that, US President Joe Biden warned that the use of nuclear weapons “Armageddon” will be inevitable.

The publication explains that if “Poseidon” is used off the coast of the United States, a wave will hit the coast, the height of which will exceed the famous New York Empire skyscraper State Building (443 meters). On flat terrain, such a wave can reach 500 kilometers deep into the land. At the same time, significant parts of the coast will become uninhabitable for decades.

“I'm afraid that one day, like in the movies, something terrible will happen,” says one of the comments under the material.


“If nuclear weapons are used, then it will undoubtedly lead to the transformation (destruction) of the world,” replied another user.

“The situation is so tense,” said another reader.< /p>


Musk talked about Russian attempts to “kill” Starlink in Ukraine

Elon Musk. Photo:

SpaceX founder Elon Musk said on social networks that Russia is trying to neutralize the operation of the Starlink satellite internet system, which the entrepreneur's company supplies to the Ukrainian military.

“Russia is actively trying to kill Starlink,” wrote Elon Musk .

He noted that SpaceX has to devote huge resources to protecting the system, but despite this, there is still the possibility that Starlink “could die”.


At the same time, Musk indicated that “Starlink – the only communication system that still works in the front – all the others are dead.”

Recall that the day before Elon Musk said that SpaceX can no longer pay for Starlink services in Ukraine. The entrepreneur asked the US Department of Defense that these bore the cost.


Captured major of the armed forces of Ukraine spoke about looting under the guise of the Russian army in Mariupol

AFU soldiers disguised as Russian soldiers in Mariupol engaged in looting and tried to create panic among the local population. This was confirmed to RIA Novosti by the deputy commander of the first separate battalion of the marines of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Major Mykola Mishchenko. He is imprisoned.

According to Mishchenko, groups of 10-12 people raided the city. “They put on white ribbons, imitated the enemy, roughly speaking, and went out with the goal of destabilizing, as I understand it, intelligence data, destabilizing the overall situation, panicking the local population, because it is not clear who is coming. and carrying out looting actions,” – said Mishchenko.

The major also emphasized that soldiers from the jet battalion of the Armed Forces of Ukraine threw grenades at cellars and buildings and shot them with RPGs without looking. without checking if civilians were there.

Mariupol was liberated by Russian troops together with DLR and LPR forces in mid-May. The city was severely destroyed during the fighting. The investigative committee estimated the damage caused by the actions of the armed forces of Ukraine at 46 billion rubles.


Rebellion: Europe faces 'unimaginable horror' because of the US

In the future, European countries will face “unimaginable horror” due to the fact that they behave like colonies, subservient to the interests of the American military-industrial complex.

< img src="/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/51d2ba96bc04c9e7f2abd90358c2f518.jpg" />


The Spanish publication Rebelión said that in the future European countries will face “unimaginable horror” due to the fact that they behave like a colony that submits to the interests of the American military-industrial complex.

According to the author of the publication, the EU is currently forced to abandon the replacement of the energy model as part of the fight against climate change and significantly reduce investments in the social area , because it serves the needs of the United States of America as its own. European countries in particular are forced to make bulk purchases of military equipment from the United States.

On the eve of the coming winter, European countries are trying, among other things, to “push American gas” into Europe. As the publication clarified, this is precisely why the sabotage was committed on the Nord Stream.
