The Dutch prime minister refused to attend the EU-Russia summit


Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte said no to participate in the Russia-EU summit, if it takes place in the form of a meeting of Vladimir Putin with the leaders of EU countries, writes De Telegraaf.

Rutte noted that there was nothing against Putin's meeting with European Council President Charles Michel and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen. However, he himself will not attend the summit.

The NOS television channel states that Rutte's reluctance to attend the summit is related to the Malaysian case of Boeing. 192 Dutch citizens were killed in the plane crash.

The leaders of Lithuania and Latvia also spoke out against the Putin summit. Lithuanian President Gitanas Nauseda called such a meeting “an attempt to secure a glass of honey by contact with a bear.”

Earlier, German Chancellor Angela Merkel proposed to hold an EU-Russia summit. Merkel's initiative was supported by French President Emmanuel Macron and Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz.


Zelenský imposed sanctions on Russian banks


President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy signed a decree on sanctions against dozens of Russian banks. This report was posted on the website of the Office of the President of Ukraine.

VTB, Sberbank and Gazprombank were included in the list, as well as against the Central Republican Bank DPR and the State Bank LPR.

“Issue the Council Decision on National Security and Defense of Ukraine of 18 June 2021” On the application of personal special economic and other restrictive measures (sanctions), “states the Zelenský decree.

Sanctions have also affected several payment organizations, including Unistream “And” Hummingbird “. The restrictions will last for three years.


The Kremlin insists that vaccination in the Russian Federation remains voluntary


& laquo; Overall, vaccination does remain voluntary & # 39; & # 39 ;, & ndash; Dmitry Peskov responded to journalists' requests for comment on the decision of the Moscow mayor's office on the employer's obligation to remove an employee who refused to be vaccinated. & Nbsp;

According to him, if Moskvan working in the service sector or in transport decided not to be vaccinated, he should stop working in the service sector and look for work elsewhere that is not related to serving people. & nbsp;

“ It's voluntary because you can change jobs, & # 39; & # 39; & ndash; stressed. Peskov noted that the emergency measures taken by the city authorities are due to the current situation and the difficult epidemiological situation. “ There are special powers of the head of the region“, & ndash; he remembered.


The Times began talking about the war after the destroyer incident

Photo: Still from the video

of the British destroyer Defender, which attacked the territorial waters of Russia. They released material about a ship on which Russia was accused of what had happened.

Western journalists believe that what happened was a warning from Russian President Vladimir Putin. & nbsp;

Journalists note that during the incident, a Russian ship fired warning shots “at the bow of a British destroyer” and that a Russian Su-24 military plane dropped bombs during its flight. The West has concluded that Russian President Vladimir Putin is still trying to escalate tensions with NATO.

The British vessel's actions called the “ defense of freedom '' waterways. The destroyer decided to cross the Black Sea because Great Britain does not consider Crimea to be part of Russia. According to journalists, the new war can also start from the Black Sea. BBC journalist Jonathan Beale previously said that the British destroyer Defender had deliberately violated the Russian border near Crimea. Representatives of the British Embassy and the British Ministry of Defense denied this.

On Wednesday, a Russian patrol boat opened a warning fire and a Russian Su-24M bomber dropped several bombs nearby to warn. Prior to that, the border services contacted the ship's crew and informed about access to the Russian border.

The Ministry of Defense has published a video of the Defender destroyer in the Crimea

Watch the video on the topic


Senator Puškov called the statement of the British army after the incident near Crimea “stupid”

Photo: Evgeny Semenov, a British destroyer who broke Russia's offshore border Crimea on June 23 could lead to problems. This is the opinion of Senator Alexei Pushkov.

The Times, referring to British Defense Ministry sources, wrote a note with a screaming headline: “Daring Britain tells Putin: it will not stop our ships. The British military has announced that their ships will sail in any direction they see fit, 'despite Russian warning fire.'

, “- evaluated the publication of Puškov in his telegram channel.

The Ministry of Defense has published a video of the Defender destroyer in the Crimea

Watch the video on the topic


Volodin spoke harshly about the perpetrators of false vaccination documents

Photo: Alexander Astafiev

President of the State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin said it it is necessary to strictly suppress the illegal trade in the sale of counterfeit medical documents. We are talking in particular about certificates of vaccination against coronavirus.

In his channel, Telegram noted that it is the duty of law enforcement. He also reminded that it is the duty of every citizen to “not buy fake certificates.”

“As they say, who is the war and who is the mother of the mother,” said Volodin. According to the Speaker of the lower house of parliament, “smart entrepreneurs” who expect to get rich from pandemics will be punished. He reminded that the fake link does not produce antibodies. This means that if a person is really sick, then he will not help the person who bought it. He will have to answer for it.

In general, according to Volodin, the situation with the pandemic remains alarming in Russia. He recalled that additional security measures had been introduced in the capital and a number of other regions, and that a lockout had been introduced in Buryatia.


The Permanent Representative of Crimea suggested adding Britain to the list of hostile countries


Deputy Prime Minister of Crimea The government, Permanent Representative of Crimea to Russian President Georgy Muradov, proposed to add Britain to the list of countries hostile to Russia after the incident with a British destroyer off the coast of Crimea.

“The United Kingdom has long deserved to be included in the list of hostile states. Like the other members of the list, it interferes with our territorial integrity. The incident with the destroyer confirms this, “he added.

Recall that the British destroyer Defender violated the Russian state border on Wednesday morning. It entered the territorial waters of the Russian Federation three kilometers near Crimea.

Russian patrol the ship warned of warning fire, but the destroyer did not respond, after which the border guards fired warning shots at the vessel, after which a Black Sea Fleet plane carried out a warning bombing and dropped four bombs along the ship's course, after which the British ship left Russia.


A mortar mine flew onto the track during military exercises in Japan


Common Japanese – The American Orient Shield exercise, which took place in various places in Japan, flew one of the mortar mines out of range in Shiga Prefecture. Kyodo reported.

Governor Mikazuki Taizo Prefecture noted that the shell fell on the highway next to the landfill, which is now closed for repairs.

“We demanded that the military provide information about the incident as soon as possible. How could it have happened? “- the publication cites the words of the Governor.

During a visit to the administration of Shigi Prefecture, Hidenori Sakai, Chief of Staff of the Japanese Self-Defense Ground Forces, said the military would conduct a thorough investigation into the incident and take all measures to prevent similar situations in the future.


Putin praised the outgoing State Duma for changes to the constitution

In the past, the VVP has never met with all the deputies who ended the convocation.

Vladimir Putin said goodbye to the representatives of the State Duma of the Seventh Convocation, who completed their legislative activities. According to the president, all members of parliament as one worked effectively and showed determination in the face of a pandemic. The main achievements of the Deputy Corps include changes to the constitution, support for news initiatives and a more constructive dialogue with the government than in previous years. Putin said what he expects from the upcoming election campaign and what the parties should pay attention to when drawing up candidate lists.


Vladimir Putin has never met a full Duma since the end of his term. The farewell usually took place in a more intimate environment with the participation of only faction leaders.

Explaining why they decided to change the format this year, Dmitry Peskov said that it was necessary to expand communication. “After all, you and I went through a pandemic year when there was a lack of direct communication, and in this case, such personal expressions are of particular importance,” he explained.

, in the last year and a half, ordinary deputies have personally seen the head of state only once – on the report to the Federal Assembly. Even a recent meeting with the leaders of the parliamentary parties took place online.

It is no wonder that once in the Kremlin, deputies were seriously abducted by photographic sessions. (After all, many risk never getting into the ceremonial halls again!) And Gennady Zyuganov came to the meeting in the red mask of a “sickle hammer” in the hope that he would immediately point out his person. As for the president, however, this trick did not make much sense, because the scenario of the event was originally limited to speeches by Putin himself and Vyacheslav Volodin, a spokesman for the State Duma.

VVP, as befits a hospitable host, did not address the shortcomings and poor qualities of its guests. The words addressed to the deputies gave the impression that this was the best Duma in history, and the Russians should be grateful to the deputies for their dedicated work and care.

Unlike other countries where parliaments stopped working in the face of a pandemic, the legislative process in Russia continued even in the most difficult and incomprehensible situation that Putin said they had observed in the spring and summer of 2020.

“If this were not done, then – simply for everyone to understand – the money simply hangs and does not reach people or the economy or businesses in time,” the president said, noting that 3 out of 10 sessions had to “work in the emergency of a dangerous epidemic. “. And “although the average citizen may not have noticed,” the organization of the legislature “required some effort.” “The work of the Parliament of the Seventh Assembly was unusual: in terms of the importance of the decisions made during this period and in terms of quality.” Thank you very much, “said the president with feeling.

In addition to a package of bills aimed at supporting citizens in a pandemic, Vladimir Putin highlighted the work of the State Duma on the initiatives set out in reports to the Federal Assembly. Although only two months have passed since the last appeal, the Duma has already been able to dress the most important proposals in the literature of the law.

Therefore, on 1 July, the standards on monthly allowances for children growing up in single-income, low-income families and for pregnant women in difficult life situations will enter into force. “Parliament has stopped working and the decisions you have made continue to work,” the President decided to encourage Members.

However, the main “miracle monument” of the Seventh Assembly will, of course, be the amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation. “The deputies were among the co-chairs of the working group, they helped the people to become full-fledged co-authors of the constitution, they tried to provide a legally perfect formulation of the new provisions of the Basic Law of Russia,” the VVP noted. Recall that the representative of the State Duma Valentina Tereshkova became the author of an amendment that provides for the annulment of previous elections of the current president, which will allow Vladimir Putin to participate in the elections in 2024.

Speaking about the upcoming election campaign leading to the creation of the Eighth Convening Duma, the president emphasized that the most important thing was the legitimacy of the election results, which should be held “honestly, transparently and openly”. Future competitors are strongly encouraged to give up “mutual accusations, offensive attacks and empty promises that cannot be fulfilled”. “I really hope that this stage in the life of the country passed and remained in the nineties,” VVP stressed.

Putin noted that not only renewal but also continuity is important for the new composition of the parliament. New, bold ideas must be combined with experience and political maturity. “I hope that the parliamentary parties and political forces that will run for election, taking this balance into account, will create their lists of candidates,” Putin said.

In response, Vyacheslav Volodin was grateful and noted that the Russian Parliament owed its productive and well-coordinated work to the President himself. It was Putin who recommended that United Russia include representatives of other factions in the governing bodies, which had a positive effect on the atmosphere. He is also the owner of the initiative to approve cabinet members at the Duma meeting. “In doing so, you have transferred part of your powers to our citizens, who are now approving the government through the deputies,” Volodin revealed the importance of this innovation, which is still not clear to the Russians.

According to Putin, qualitative changes have yet to take place in the interaction between the executive and the legislature. According to him, the corresponding amendment “is not some kind of packaging, but a” meaningful thing “that will contribute to better decision-making and the achievement of national goals. But to achieve this goal, in any case, the new Duma will have to and the current composition – “success”, “health” and “all the best”!
