Roizman decided to become a gazelle driver in the face of political pressure

Photo: Natalia Muschinkina

Former Mayor of Ekaterinburg Yevgeny Roizman said he was ready to change his profession and become a driver if he faced political persecution and lost the opportunity to make money. It would be “helpful” to think about it in advance, “the politician told

Roizman said he completed a test drive of a new truck model: I'm happy. “

” I'm not afraid of any work, “he said. & mdash; & nbsp; If he finds out, hell will freeze. “

He added that decisions are always made in favor of freedom.


Borrell announced new sanctions against Russia


European Parliament President Josep Borrell stated this a new package of sanctions against Russia will be prepared in the coming weeks or months. In addition, it intends to identify possible areas of interaction with Moscow.

Borrell noted that the EU is interested in attracting Russia to work on global issues. According to him, Moscow is a major player on the world stage. He wrote about it in his weekly blog.

“The last pillar of our relations with Russia: interaction. Like it or not, Russia is a major player on the global stage and has increased its political presence in many parts of the world, including countries where the EU's interests are at stake: Libya, Afghanistan, Nagorno-Karabakh and Syria are good examples. “Said the politician.

According to the head of the European Parliament, without Russia, Europe will not be able to solve global problems that affect all countries.


The Bulgarians evaluated the consequences of the clash between NATO and Russia at the exercises


Bulgarian newspaper readers & quot; Facts & quot; praised the NATO Sea Breeze exercises taking place in the Black Sea. They also commented on information from the Russian Ministry of Defense, which stated that it controls the actions of US Navy ships.

One of the readers reminded that since the return of Crimea to Russia “` `The Black Sea has become a Russian lake & mdash; & nbsp; and without the knowledge and consent of the Russians, nothing can happen there! & # 39; & # 39 ;.

“ The Russians can easily sink all NATO ships in the Black Sea, but the problem is that if they do, NATO will be a pretext for an attack, “said the reader, nicknamed Fool.

Another reader noted that Bulgaria will also suffer due to the exercises, which again remained “ without the summer season“. The sea will bloom and “the water will be unnatural,” he said.

Another user claims that thanks to NATO membership, Bulgaria is one of Russia's targets in the event of war.

It was previously announced that the Russian Black Sea Fleet had begun tracking the American missile destroyer Ross, which had entered the Black Sea on Saturday, the Russian National Defense Control Center said.


Spain wants to phase out its Catalan separatists 5.4 million euros


The El Pais newspaper reported that the Spanish House will demand more than 1.9 million euros from former Catalan head of government Carles Puigdemont to promote separatist ideas abroad. The ministry will demand the same amount from former Catalan government representative Oriol Junkeras, who was convicted of a referendum on independence in 2017 and pardoned by a Spanish cabinet decision.

Overall, the Spaniards hope to raise money from 39 people involved in Catalan separatism. In total, Madrid wants to get 5.4 million euros. According to the Spanish authorities, this is the amount they spent on popularizing their views abroad between 2011 and 2017.

Puigdemont is now in Belgium. Spain demands his release.


China called the de-dollarization of Russia a mockery

He called the protests of American hegemony, ridicule and contempt Researcher at the Institute of Russia, Eastern Europe and Central Asia, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Chen Yijun, possibly de-dollarization of Russia. He expressed his opinion in an article for the newspaper Huangqiu Shibao.

In his opinion, de-dollarization will not have a significant impact on Russia. The status of the ruble as legal tender is stable. He also pointed out that the volume of direct trade between Russia and the United States is negligible. Moscow's main trading partners are Europe and China. Chen Yijun says de-dollarization is only harmful to the United States. Washington will thus get into an awkward situation in front of its allies, which in itself is a kind of humiliation for the USA.

President Vladimir Putin announced the country's readiness to switch to agreements with partners in national currencies. He pointed out that this was also relevant for gas supplies to the EU. Putin is convinced that the US authorities themselves do not value the dollar, which uses it as a tool for competition and political struggle.


Biden talked about working with Russia

Monday, June 28, US President Joe During a video recording at a benefit event of the US Democratic National Committee, Biden said that Russia and the US have an opportunity to work together in the areas of nuclear non-proliferation and the fight against climate change. The transcript was published by the White House press group.

Biden said: “I have made it clear to President [Vladimir] Putin in Russia that relations with America must be stable and predictable, we must be able to work together where we have interests. The US leader also noted that the US will respond to specific actions that harm US interests and answer the issue of cyber attacks and interventions in the US economy.

According to Biden, Russia and the US are “competing for the 21st century” to see who will have the strongest economy. The American leader also believes that the rest of the world is conquering them. Biden demanded similar rules of conduct from China for the global economy of the 21st century. “/s>


Sullivan complained about the inability of American citizens to work in Russia


US Ambassador to Russia John Sullivan in an interview with reporters, he regretted that recently Americans who wanted to work at the embassy had difficulty obtaining Russian visas.

“ We have American citizens who work at the US Embassy in Russia, but we can't get visas for them, & # 39; & # 39; lamented the diplomat.

Sullivan added that this is a major problem that needs to be addressed immediately, as it has become a problem for both the United States and the United States. Russian Federation, and was even raised at a meeting of Presidents Vladimir Putin and Joe Biden in Geneva.


Lithuania has announced the isolation course chosen by the Belarusian authorities


Lithuanian Foreign Minister Gabrielus Landsberg is awarded the decision Belarus to suspend participation in the EU's Eastern Partnership initiative, says Lithuanian Sputnik.

The diplomat accused Minsk of “continuing to isolate” his own country. He also added that the Belarusian people will sooner or later use the “fruit” of the Eastern Partnership.

“We will demand the non-recognition of any changes and revisions to international commitments and the sovereignty made by the illegal government. The EU's proposal for reforms and support for a democratic Belarus remains valid, “said Landsbergis.


The British Ministry of Defense explained the loss of documents on the destroyer Defender

Photos of the Royal Navy

Deputy British Secretary of Defense Jeremy Quinn commented on the incident by losing documents containing plans for the British Navy destroyer Defender to pass through Russian territorial waters in the Black Sea.

“I don't want to say anything before the results of the investigation it seems, but it seems to be the fault of an individual, an individual official … who later confessed to everything,” Quinn said.

The Deputy Minister added that some lost documents were classified as “secret”.

“These documents were intended for members of the secret service. I am very sorry that such an incident has occurred, it will be investigated in the most thorough way, & # 39; & # 39; assured.


The US ambassador talked about his work after returning to Moscow


US Ambassador John Sullivan said on the state of affairs of the embassy after his return to Moscow.

According to the diplomat, after arriving in Russia, he met with aide to the President of the Russian Federation Yuri Ushakov. It is suggested that the results of the Vladimir Putin and Joe Biden summit in Geneva were discussed. The ambassador stressed that he and his partner agreed that this meeting of the heads of state was useful.

“But that was just the beginning of discussions on a number of issues,” Sullivan added.

On Thursday, July 1, the diplomat intends to meet with Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov.
