NYT: There is a split between the US, Europe and Ukraine

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Washington, Brussels and Kyiv diverge in terms of what goals they pursue in the Ukrainian conflict and how it should end. The New York Times reports.

“After three months of exceptional unity (…), the divergence in views on what to do next is becoming increasingly apparent,” the book's authors said. >>

The publication emphasizes that the unity of the North Atlantic Alliance and the European Union has recently come under “pressure”. An example is the reluctance and unwillingness of a number of EU countries, notably Hungary, to support an embargo on Russian oil supplies.

It should also be noted that Europeans do not intend to refuse gas imports from Russia. yet. At the same time, Germany, Italy and France are concerned about the possible prolongation of the conflict and fear the damage to their own economies.

in Davos. He said that as a result of the negotiations, Kyiv will probably have to make territorial concessions.

Источник www.mk.ru

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