Lukashenko reveals Putin's reaction to Zelenský's election

Yesterday's comedian showed great promise

Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko said how his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin reacted to the election of Vladimir Zelensky as President of Ukraine. A corresponding statement was made during Lukashenko's great conversation with journalists.

Photo: Lilia Sharlovskaya

Putin responded positively to Zelenský's election as the Russian president tried to resolve the conflict in Donbas as soon as possible. According to Lukashenko, Putin was ready to cooperate with the new president of Ukraine on all issues.

At the same time, according to the Belarusian president, he warned his Russian colleague against “moving too fast” in this direction, because according to Lukashenko, Putin did not know Zelenský at the time.

Russian leader Lukashenko also said that Zelensky was “another man.”

The President of Belarus accused the Ukrainian President of wasting the chance to become a peacemaker. According to Lukashenko, Zelensky, as well as former President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko, refused to abide by the terms of the Minsk agreements, which resulted in escalating tensions in Donbas and growing tensions in relations between Moscow and Kiev.

During his communication with journalists, Lukashenko also warned Kiev against a military solution to the conflict in Donbas. He warned that an attempt to seize the region by force would become a tragedy for Ukraine.


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