Crimean authorities will prepare counter-proposals to Ukraine for the devastation of the peninsula


Deputy Prime Minister of Crimea ” In an interview with journalists, the Permanent Representative of Crimea to the President of the Russian Federation Georgiy Muradov criticized the claims of the Ukrainian authorities for reparations and recalled that the damage should compensate Nezalezhnaya – over the years the peninsula was in its composition, disintegrated.

He recalled that Crimea, like its people in Ukraine, has been the subject of ruthless exploitation for decades.

“ The Kiev authorities have no right to demand anything from Crimea … Ukraine must compensate the Crimeans for the damage caused to the peninsula over the years of its operation as part of the Ukrainian state and Russia – to offset its costs of rebuilding the peninsula's dilapidated economy. “Muradov said. He also added that the Crimean authorities intend to process their allegations and submit them to an official in Kiev.


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