He named the timing of the start of the full offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Military expert Sukonkin: Full-scale offensive of the armed forces of Ukraine can begin “today or tomorrow”

Photo: unsplash.com

The full-scale offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine will begin “today or tomorrow,” said military expert Alexei Sukonkin in an interview with NEWS.ru.

The analyst admitted that the Ukrainian army is currently conducting reconnaissance in combat.

“I think the main events will begin, the all-out offensive of the armed forces of Ukraine. in the near future, maybe today or tomorrow or a little later,” the expert shared his opinion.

Sukonkin suggested that now the Armed Forces of Ukraine conduct reconnaissance in combat with forces up to a platoon or company, investigating Russian position.

Former front-line reporter Yevgeny Poddubny reported that the Ukrainian army had begun an operation to encircle Russian forces in the direction of Artyomovsk. The war correspondent described the situation in the Soledar area as difficult. Poddubny suggested that within the next 24 hours, the armed forces of Ukraine will begin increasing their efforts in the southern direction.

Источник www.mk.ru

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