British MPs accused Johnson of neglecting national security


Members British Parliament accused Prime Minister Boris Johnson of neglecting national security issues. They pointed to the fact that the current government cannot cope with more than one crisis at a time. Politicians expressed their views in a report by the Joint Committee on National Security Strategy.

In particular, MEPs draw attention to the fact that, due to the pandemic, the National Security Council began to meet irregularly. The solution to many problems is therefore improvisation. According to the authors of the report, such situational encounters are a big mistake.

As an example of systemic shortcomings, MEPs cited the recent evacuation of British citizens and Afghans who gave them during the 1920s of the Western military campaign. This situation, the authors of the document point out, showed that the government “is not able to prepare and resolve two crises at the same time as national security.”

According to some media, the evacuation of the British was not carried out effectively. And although London managed to remove about 15,000 civilians from Kabul, hundreds of Britons and many Afghans remained to help them.

Deputies demanded that Johnson start planning steps in the area of ​​national security of the country. The authors of the document also note that ill-conceived state policy can lead to collapse. Despite the selfless actions of ordinary people.


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