Biden simply explained to Putin why he called him a “killer.”


Scandalous statement from US President Joe Biden, addressed to his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin, has become one of the topics of discussion among the leaders of both countries during telephone talks. Washington Post journalists Bob Woodward and Robert Costa inform about it in their book Threats.

The authors claim that during an interview on April 13, Putin told Biden the following: “I am disappointed that you called me a murderer. “To another topic,” the authors of Biden quote.

Biden's resounding statement was made in an interview with ABC News on March 16. The interviewer asked the guest, “Do you think (Putin) is a murderer?” Biden replied, “Um. I think. You will see that Putin will pay … ”Putin himself later stated that he did not worry about being labeled and that over the years he was used to any attacks from all sides.

Biden, on the other hand, was reminded of this moment more than once. During a press conference of the American leader on the eve of his personal meeting with the Russian president in Geneva, journalists again asked for comment, saying that Putin had previously laughed when he heard the accusations against him.

“I'm laughing too,” Biden replied.

Later, Putin announced that he had another telephone conversation with a colleague and that he explained the situation. “These explanations suited me,” Putin added, without specifying when the interview took place. Maybe it was just about the April conversation Washington Post reporters are referring to.


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