“Biden remembered a party worker from the cryogenic chamber”

Afghanistan as the other side of America

The US fled Afghanistan. The Taliban (“Taliban” – an organization recognized as terrorist and banned in Russia) occupied Kabul and introduced new old rules in the suffering country.

It's funny, but only 20 years passed between the speech of George W. Bush, who claimed that the Taliban was over, and the speech of Joe Biden, who actually acknowledged the American surrender. But in one and the other – one and the same triumphantly justifying insurance. No error posting.

Victor Pelevin wrote that modern America is a totalitarian “scoop” into which no one can bring jeans. Biden thus closely resembles a party worker who temporarily stepped out of the cryogenic chamber to speak. The speech that will blame everyone else and whiten Americans. This speech, which will in fact become a diagnosis and a matrix of lies, and an export of the American dream and, in principle, of the entire civilized international community.

At the same time, of course, there are parallels between the American flight from Afghanistan now and the withdrawal of Soviet troops from there in 1988. But did the Soviets build some kind of home for the Afghans and the United States? They destroyed themselves, leaving even greater devastation behind. Everything is in the best American traditions. Seek and destroy. And the footage of an American plane covered by Afghan unfortunates is a recognition that we live in dystopia. Unhappy people cling to the chassis while American dogs sit on chairs. Social Darwinism as it is.

But not everything is so simple and not everything is so irrevocable with the loss of the Americans in Kabul. First, the United States has now commissioned us to clean up the problems of Afghanistan and simulate another hybrid war. Second, Americans, like no other in the world, know how to represent their defeats as victories. And so record them in history.

Again, there are clear parallels between the US flight from Kabul and the US military's departure from Vietnam. Saigon 1975 – Kabul 2021. The defeat in Vietnam is a great setback for the United States, but the Americans have found cover. They are generally an extremely risky nation. America announced that it had not surrendered in small Vietnam, but was facing anti-war sentiment within the country. Hippies, flowers of life, rock and roll musicians, make love, not war – they thought they broke the rule of the militarists, but in fact they did it a favor. In fact, it was not John Lennon who defeated the United States, but Vietnamese General Nguyen Guap, who by the way was one and a half meters tall.

These were Oliver Stone's films “Platoon”, “Born on July 4” and “Apocalypse Now” by Coppola, but the whole truth is missing in this anti-war war. As a result, the world knows a completely different war in Vietnam.

Much more often, however, Americans cannot do without the truth at all, and through their cultural heritage they explicitly write lies into history. An example is the Oscar-winning film Operation Argo by director Ben Affleck. He talks about the rescue of American diplomats from Tehran during the revolution in Iran in 1979. Aleksey Yusev thoroughly analyzed the political background of this cassette in “Kinopolitics”. The conclusion is simple: Affleck, Obama's confidant, by the way, made a propaganda tape depicting the fiasco of Americans as their victory. The entire Hollywood Democratic Lobby worked to promote the film. And yes, by the way, it is best to read about those Tehran events in Christian Kracht's book “1979.” about their influence. In short, it should never be forgotten that Hollywood and the CIA have been officially working together since the 1990s. And many films have a mandatory news advisor.

Therefore, no one will ever show you the truth about the crimes of the US military, for example. What have you been told about the atrocities at Guantánamo and Abu Ghraib? Meanwhile, acclaimed psychologist Phil Zimbardo describes them as a mixture of BDSM and slashers. As soon as Metallica learned that their songs were being used by the US military during torture, they were asked not to do so. Yes, the songs stopped playing, but the torture did not stop.

But what about our tapes of events in Afghanistan? Their essence is in many respects the cardboard film of the once excellent director Pavel Lungin “Brotherhood”, where our soldiers are portrayed as mediocrity and vicious. Yes, how different we watch movies! On the one hand, the Americans are sending us about the victorious victory of democracy, on the other hand, the Russians revel in defeatist repentance. What is it – the spirit of the times? Or the continuation of the Cold War?

It has become commonplace that wherever Americans poke their heads in, they bring devastation, disaster, and strife, whether in Yugoslavia, Libya, or Iraq. But it is much worse that billions of people around the world exist in the wicked belief that it is the West in particular and the United States in particular that are bringing some kind of reference civilization to the planet, except where no other a priori can exist. In the early 1990s, Francis Fukuyama called it the “End of History.” The last man reached the highest point of development, and the liberal-democratic model proved to be the final stage of evolution.

But decades have passed and we have seen that the story is just beginning. The fight is just beginning. And there are communities of very different types; no matter who controls them – the Taliban or ISIS (recognized as a terrorist organization and banned in Russia). It is important that it is a fundamentally different formation, a different universe, if you will, and these worlds, very different and very aggressive, will always come into conflict with each other.

There is a world of tolerance, veganism, positivity for the body, sexual freedom and a world of violence, religious intolerance and misogyny. But the main tragedy is that both the world is slavery. And it would be a big mistake to think that these are different worlds. No, the Taliban, Afghanistan, ISIS and torn Libya are all the flip side of the infamous “civilized world.” And Americans, when they come anywhere, carry not only the American dream, but also the other, dark side. One does not exist without the other, because they are part of one whole.

This is perfectly shown by the cult TV series Twin Peaks. There is a cute town with delicious cherry pies, but it also has a demonic side – a certain Black Lodge, radiating evil. But it comes into the world only after nuclear tests. Causal relationships as they are.

Today's Afghanistan is just the other side of America. They are parts of one whole – parts of what is in constant conflict with oneself. I will simply say: the point is that it is impossible to defeat evil somewhere until you survive it. It doesn't matter if it's a continent, a country or a person.

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