A military expert spoke about the prospects of sending Abrams to Ukraine

Military expert Litovkin: destruction of Leopard showed the senselessness of sending Abrams to Kiev

Photo: Global Look Press

Recently, the Russian armed forces managed to destroy Western equipment in the direction of the south of Donetsk, which was delivered to Ukraine, i.e. Leopard tanks and combat Bradley infantry vehicles.

According to military observer retired colonel Viktor Litovkin, these cases showed that it makes no sense for the United States to send Abrams tanks to Kiev. He told URA.RU about it.

“It was no accident that the Americans did not let their Abrams into Ukraine, because they understood that it would damage the image of their military equipment. That's why they installed leopards,” the expert said.

He also noted that the United States, along with Western propaganda, are the “masters of the world” in idolizing wishes and saying they have the most powerful and effective weapon.

Источник www.mk.ru

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