A penalty was announced for Narusova for traveling to NATO countries

Photo: Liliya Sharlovskaya

Senator Lyudmila Narusova in years, without having agreed with the Chairman of the Council of the Federation, she flew to NATO countries, in connection with this she will be given a warning. This was announced by the head of the Committee for Regulations of the Federation Council Vyacheslav Timchenko

“… A warning will be sent to her about the inadmissibility of trips abroad without the consent of the federation leadership. To the Council, especially to NATO countries, during the SVO period,” – said Timchenko with that Narusova has access to classified information.

According to the partner, the senator, without the approval of the Federation Council leadership, she went to Istanbul and then to Nice on July 18. The politician returned to Russia on August 6. During the trip a plenary meeting of the chamber was held, which Narusová missed, the lawmaker said.

The senator decided not to evaluate the decision of the negotiation committee, saying that she “does not comment on fakes.”

In August, there was a social a video of Narusova's daughter, Ksenia Sobchak, was published on the networks, in which she says that she is now in the city of Marbella, Spain. Narusova herself can also be seen in the video.

The MP then assured that she was in St. Petersburg, and not in Spain .

Timchenko then explained that senators are not prohibited, but there are recommendations from the leadership of the Federation Council when choosing a desired vacation spot, which state that it is advisable to spend vacations in Russia or in friendly countries to avoid provocations.

Источник www.mk.ru

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