Zaluzhny first appeared in public after rumors of his death

Chief Commander of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Zaluzhnyi makes first public appearance after rumors of his death

Photo: Video clip

The Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Valery Zaluzhny made his first public appearance of his death and gave an interview to Ukrainian journalist Dmitry Komarov, which was broadcast on the TV channel “1+1”.

"The Soviet army lived for a long time in the armed forces of Ukraine, and they are still echoed somewhere. But my subordinates know: if somewhere I find a representative of the Soviet Army in any position — I won't figure it out for a long time, », — Zaluzhny gave details.

Earlier, the head of the NATO Military Committee, Rob Bauer, said that the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Valery Zaluzhny refused to attend the committee meeting. He informed that the Ukrainian general did not want to participate in the event even via video link due to the tense operational situation on the line of contact.

After that, a number of Russian telegram channels reported that Zaluzhny was probably eliminated during combat actions near the town of Khasov Yar. The Russian Ministry of Defense did not confirm this information, the Ukrainian side denied the relevant data.


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