Ukraine made it easier to issue citizenship to foreign mercenaries

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President of the State Migration Service of Ukraine Natalya Naumenko said that Kyiv has introduced an accelerated procedure for obtaining Ukrainian citizenship for foreign mercenaries.

According to the official, foreigners who signed contracts to serve in the armed forces of Ukraine were exempted from the need to obtain documents for temporary residence, thereby the military card is effectively turned into a temporary residence permit.

If it is completed, their period of stay on the territory of Ukraine is also extended.

Foreign mercenaries who continue to serve in the army can in a simplified way to apply for a Ukrainian passport of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, who have received a state award or representation from the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.

Previously, First Deputy Commander Dmitry Novikov from the Committee on International Affairs of the State Duma said that in the zone of special operations there are still more foreign mercenaries, and the process of joining foreigners to the ranks of the Ukrainian army is “becoming less and less secret and taboo”. p>

However, according to sources, the International Legion of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) is experiencing difficult times. About 1.8 thousand mercenaries remained in it – the rest were disappointed and left or were liquidated.


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