Ukraine has said that Europe will lift sanctions on Russia over Kiev's mistake


Europe may soon lift sanctions from Russia . And Ukraine, which refuses to comply with the Minsk agreements, is to blame. Former Deputy Verkhovna Rada Yevgeny Muraev said this on a NASH television channel. He reminded the country's president, Volodymyr Zelensky, that he had never implemented constitutional reform. According to the agreements, the country was to decentralize power. And in the constitution it was necessary to strengthen the special position of Donbass. The amnesty law has never seen the light of day. And there were no elections in Donbass.

The politician believes that European producers are missing tens of billions of euros due to the sanctions war. Muraev therefore suggested that they soon ask the leadership of his country why this story was so prolonged with Russian sanctions.

Relations between Moscow and Western countries have deteriorated in the wake of the events in Ukraine and the reunification of Crimea and Russia. The European Union has accused Moscow of interfering in the internal affairs of a neighboring country and imposed sanctions on it. In return, Russia retaliated and set about import refunds.


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