Ugly details about the war in Syria revealed: Turkey uses child soldiers

Sometimes trained as suicide bombers

The US State Department has expanded the list of countries that use armed forces occupied by juvenile fighters in military conflicts. According to the US government, the Turkish military is involved in the training of units of juvenile militants, which use them for hostilities in Syria. Who are the juvenile terrorists fighting and what tasks do they perform on the battlefield & ndash; “MK” recognized.

Photo: AP

The war in Syria, the bloody civil conflict that began in 2011, continues. Despite the fact that, with the active support of Russia, Syrian troops have managed to defeat the main terrorist forces and launch a ceasefire, some militant formations continue to operate. Many of them took refuge in the part of Syria occupied by the Turkish army, mainly in the province of Idlib in the north of the country.

Among the most powerful groups is the so-called division of Sultan Murad, created with the active support of the Turkish army. The group's militants are armed with Turkish weapons, equipment and even armored vehicles. The group took part in battles against the Syrian army, the Syrian Kurdish militia and, according to legend, recruited fighters to take part in the military conflicts in Nagorno-Karabakh and Libya.

However, according to the US State Department, the group's crimes are not limited to this. As reported in Washington, gunmen form entire units that serve children trained in guerrilla warfare. At the same time, the Foreign Ministry stressed that Turkey is directly involved in the training of juvenile militants, but still has a chance to “ correct this mistake“.

Previously published material published by the Ministry of Culture on how the system of training juvenile terrorists is organized all over the world. Children are usually taken away from their parents by force, or, on the contrary, radicals themselves send their children to training camps. There, minors are diligently instilled in the ideology of radicals and learn to use weapons, explosives and other skills.

The two largest international terrorist organizations have achieved the greatest success in this regard & ndash; Islamic State and Al Qaeda (both are banned in the Russian Federation). Many militants from these groups have now joined Sultan Murad's division. and other pro-Turkish formations and are actively involved in the preparation of “ young replenishment.“ and the spring of 2018. The militants themselves published a series of videos on “ young fighters against Assad's regime“. Some of the juvenile militants subsequently died, allowing many Western countries to charge the Syrian authorities with the murder of minors.

According to the Syrian media, militants are also actively involved in the training of juvenile suicide bombers. To this end, children are addicted to drugs and various stimulants, which ultimately completely destroys the child's psyche, suppresses the child's resistance and turns him into an executor of orders.

According to the Syrian Truth and Justice Human Rights Group, troops of young militants have taken part in the military conflict in Libya. It should be noted that families who have handed over their children to militants receive cash payments.

Children receive new documents for which their actual age is significantly overestimated. Recruitment and training are carried out by local pro-Turkish groups and dispatch to Libya & ndash; command of the Turkish army.

According to human rights activists, juvenile militants aged 15-16 are promised up to $ 3,000 a month, and in the event of death, this amount must be paid to their families. However, most of them die before receiving the first “payout”. Some eyewitnesses say that young jihadists pay in Turkish lira shops.

According to experts, the Turkish-occupied areas of Syria have turned into the recruitment base of terrorist groups because the local population has no means of subsistence. . For this reason, young people are actively joining the ranks of the militants. The exact number of teenagers hired by terrorists is unknown, but preliminary estimates suggest that thousands of people are fighting around the world today.


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