Turkish publications announce the death of Fethullah Gülen

Photos: Video footage

Famous Islamic preacher and opponent Turkish president Fethullah Gülen has been poisoned in the United States and is already dead, according to Oda television. In the meantime, official publications have not yet responded to the report. And Gizmet, led by Gülen, has released a video in which he prays in response.

However, Oda TV analyzed this video in detail and claims that it is a montage of three old videos. it looks very amateurish … It should be noted that Gulen was poisoned at his home in Pennsylvania on the night of November 17th. In addition, another escort was killed.

At the same time, the staff of the villa where Gulen lived were forbidden to communicate with the press. According to Oda TV, US special services are aware of what has happened.

Journalist Burak Bekiroglu also reported on social media that a man from his neighborhood, who is a mullah, was involved in Gulen's poisoning.

Hakan Jopur, head of the embassy from the Turkish agency Anadol in Washington, noted that information about Gulen's death is being verified. In Turkey alone, Gulen is accused of terrorism and several hundred, if not thousands, of his supporters have been arrested. He is considered one of the most influential Muslim personalities in the world.

Источник www.mk.ru

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