Times: British military instructors have returned to Ukraine

Photo: Global Look Press

Special Airborne Service (SAS) The United Kingdom trained the Ukrainian army in Kiev and its suburbs. The British edition of The Times reported on April 15.

The newspaper refers to a statement by Ukrainian battalion captain Yuri Mironenko, who announced that about two weeks ago, British SAS troops in Kiev were training in the use of the NLAW anti-tank missile system. which the United Kingdom supplies to Ukraine.

Another source said the publication last week of British involvement in the preparation of the 112th Battalion of the Territorial Defense Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Both sources The Times say we are talking about active British military personnel, not volunteers from Great Britain.

Military instructors from England worked in Ukraine for many years, but left the country in February 2022, on the orders of their command. , which feared the direct involvement of British military personnel in direct clashes with Russian troops and a possible conflict between the Russian Federation and NATO.

The publication did not receive confirmation of the information. on the return of instructors from the UK to Ukraine to the Ministry of Defense of the Kingdom. The ministry referred to the fact that they never comment on special operations. But earlier Deputy Secretary of Defense James Hippie announced that he was waiting for the arrival of soldiers of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in England, who would be trained in the management of British weapons. And on April 9, London announced that it would give Kiev 120 armored vehicles as well as anti-ship missile systems.

Источник www.mk.ru

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