“This country is bad”: The Japanese insisted on pressure on Russia

Photo: Mikhail Verny

Japanese Readers Yahoo Portal News Japan has emotionally commented on reports that Russia is preparing to conduct missile exercises in the Sea of ​​Japan from October 4 to 9 on the Noto Peninsula, 300 km from Tokyo. Previously, Tokyo presented Moscow through diplomatic channels because part of Japan's exclusive economic zone partly falls within the shooting range. Now the people of Japan call Russia “evil” and demand to put pressure on it.

One of the Japanese commentators suggests sending ships to the area of ​​Russian fire, filming launches and publishing this filming.

Another reader demands that the Japanese government ban these shootings.

He is answered by the third participant in the debate, who writes that the head of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party, former Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida, who has now become Prime Minister of Japan, is a coward. According to him, Russia is aware of this, and therefore “will try to seize not only the South Kuril Islands, but also other Japanese territories.” He demanded that Japan train fighters and send aircraft carriers and destroyers to the firing zone.

“They're just making fun of us! Japanese politicians are just causing sadness,” another commentator said indignantly.

“This area has nothing to do with the EEZ or the territorial waters of Russia. This country is really bad. It is necessary to increase economic pressure on it, taking into account the annexation of Crimea,” – says another report.

One of the participants in the discussion believes that Russia and China are doing what they want with Japan.

Another writes: “Russia cannot be trusted at all. The government must take action against Russia by abandoning its exercises in the Sea of ​​Japan.

Источник www.mk.ru

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